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    Jozy posted an update 6 years, 8 months ago

    Wooooooooow incredibly stressed since University is FAST approaching. New quarter system, new professors, new environment. Scared outta my mind. :( I hope I can get clarity real soon in all Uni matters, career matters, financial matters, family matters, and insecurity with myself matters. I’m trying to breathe in and out to relax. It can’t be that bad right? ”This is a fresh start” I tell myself, but yet i’m nervous of what’s to come. Any advice? :( ((((((((((

    Mood : Alone
    • Try to relax and focus on getting everything in order as best you can @pandagirl96, please don’t feel down about yourself Jozy, you are such a beautiful, special and incredible person who deserves happiness in her life, please know that the journey ahead will be filled with sunshine and hope for you, university will go great and you will be successful, smile, believe in yourself and never give up, take deep breathes and keep going Jozy, you can do it, inbox me anytime if you want to chat or vent, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • Millions of people do this every year, and most of them face the same anxiety and worries and concerns you have. In in a few months what is new today will be old hat and you will wonder, ”What was I so worried about?” You can do this. And, by the way, most people make mistakes and stuff along the way – that’s life. Just keep doing one thing at a time, make sure you have the administration part of your degree straight, and just do it. Have fun. These will be some great years for you! Don’t take things too seriously, but make your school work your #1 priority, and you will be successful.

    • Try to see this with a positive look. If you go there already being negative trust me, will be very hard to actually see good things. Also the comment above is true, millions of people go through the same. I’m also going through the same and trust me, is not that bad. Just go to classes, try to get notes and study as hard as you can. Try to socialise by being on campus but don’t feel obligated to drink and party (honestly I recommend to get away from it). And you’ll survive!