• Profile picture of St. James
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    St. James posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago

    People, let me ask you something.
    Why do you get to the hard choice of cutting yourself?
    I know some do it because of relieving pain or some like that, but I don’t fully understand it.
    I would like to know because now I’m not sure how to give advice to people about this.
    I also have seen that a lot of people here have this condition, so I’ll really apreciate if you’re the most honest you can.
    Thank you and hope everyone can learn from the experiences you’re about to tell here

    Mood : Hopeful
    • I’m sure you will help so many people @viejosalse, keep learning so that you can improve the lives of others and brighten up the days of people who are feeling down, keep being the compassionate and sweet person that you are, you can do it, I’m always here if you need to talk :) (hugs)

    • A person who does not cut can never understand what the person cutting feels. We will always think that it is a symptom of something else as if it is a cause and effect event, but its not. It is like trying to describe colors to a blind person using a metaphor that really doesn’t fit. A simple term like warm can’t ever convey the subtle nuances of shade, chroma, or tint that we see as a form of red. So we try to see cutting as a symptom of something, but that is too simple. There may be a series of events that gives someone the need to cut but from that moment on the cutting takes a life of its own. The cutting may simply provide an endorphin release that the person’s body is not equipped to trigger by any other mechanism. I know several people who cut and some of them have never been associated with a dire event and one who experienced the loss of both parents in an auto accident and one who was sexually abused from an early age. Some of them have went for years without cutting and others wear a full body of scars under their clothes. None of them can tell why or what triggers its, they just know that they have to. So I don’t look at their cutting as a character flaw, I just see it as part of who they are. So as much as I respect you for what you want to do, I don’t think it is wise to build a portfolio of events and cures for it because that will just promulgate the idea that it is understood.