• Profile picture of St. James
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    St. James posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago

    Everybody is on ”Pray on Paris :’(”.
    Ok. I will pray for all those souls whom did not deserve to lose their lifes unfairly.
    But also pray for MILLIONS of innocent people killed and bombed every day in middle-east. Pray for all those who can’t get 3 meals a day.
    Pray for the ”Dirty rotten filthy stinky rich” (Yes, like the Warrant song) that poop money and prefer to feed wars for political and money interests instead of feeding the poor and helping corrupted governments to destroy many lifes.

    Still my head can’t understand how many lifes had been lost ”in the name of God/Iavé/Alàh” or any other superior entity.
    The HUMAN being is every time nearest to extintion

    Mood : Disappointed
    • Though I do not particularly believe in any deity to pray to, I will continue to keep every one of those people in my thoughts and hope for the best for each and every one of them.
      What happened last night, and what happens every day around the world is terrible, and nobody should go unnoticed and be ignored.

    • Indeed @viejosalse, it’s unfortunate that there is so much hate and violence in the world, the best thing to do is to focus on all the good, loving and heart-warming things that happen.