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    April posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago

    My anxieties have anxieties.

    • Please don’t let anxiety or sadness get you down @aprxl, I want to see you happy and being the extraordinary angel that you are April, try to do things that make you feel content and wonderful, hold your head up high and be as positive as you can, everything will work out for you and things will be OK, you are a survivor who will beat all her struggles, you can do it, believe in yourself and keep going forward, remember you are full of brightness, smile and stay beautiful, there is always hope April, message me anytime if you want to talk, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)

    • You said ”the thing”, what I couldn’t explain. Sometimes I feel like this and can never explain to people what I’m feeling. So thank you. And I hope your anxiety calms down. Is there anything I can do to help you aprxl ?

    • @marikofujimoto no worries! Anxiety is a pain most times. If you also need someone to talk to you can drop me a message. Thank you <3