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    NOAH. posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    Bleh, I just realized that I’ve been totally up my own ass these past few weeks… It kind of sucks to realize how lame and selfishly I’ve been acting, but I hope that this realization will enable me to change that and improve myself.

    Mood : Optimistic
    • @NOAH. There’s always room for change, and there’s always ways to turn things around :) I hope things look up for you and I also really hope this new attitude sticks! I wish you a wonderful week ahead and good luck with everything :) my inbox is open if you need a friend or even just a little chat :) x

    • I think we all go through versions of ourselves that we don’t like and that aren’t the best we can be, but no matter how short or long these moments last, we can always better ourselves, especially when we realize and accept our behaviors.
      So it’s great to see that you’ve done just that, and are optimistic to improve! Good luck to you, Noah. :)

    • I’m sure you will make positive and good changes in your life @noah-2, I want to see you feeling brilliant and inspiring the world by being so caring and compassionate, you can do it Noah, you will do amazing things in life, hold your head up high and keep going forward with confidence, there is always hope, you can do it, I’m always here if you need to talk, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)