• Profile picture of MadHatter93
    Passing Stranger
    QA Reputation

    MadHatter93 posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    I feel like people think I’m being a creep when I ask how old they are on chat. I just want to know what age group they’re in, so I can direct the most appropriate advice. Not much point telling a 23 year old something that is better suited to a 15 year old you know? :/

    Mood : Uncomfortable
    • That’s fine if you ask. Because that’s the only way you can get the best advice for you.

    • I find from experience that people are ok to disclose it when it makes a difference, and that is when they already started talking about whatever they want to talk about. Same goes with gender and whatever helps me understand better what they are (already) talking about. My guess is that you ask right off the bat? If it’s too close to ”Hello ASL?”, that could be the problem.