• Profile picture of ChristopherRyan
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    ChristopherRyan posted an update 9 years, 8 months ago

    PLEASE GOD! Let the suffering be over!!! I want the healing to begin…

    Mood : Angry
    • @Kaleidoscope Thank you! I appreciate the prayers… I really need them.

    • Don’t give up @christopherryan, you are such a wonderful and amazing person, personally you have helped me out and been there for me which I appreciate very much, you deserve so much happiness, things will get better and light will come into your life, you will heal, please keep fighting and don’t give up, you are so strong and are never alone, remember you are awesome, great things will happen to you, keep your head up, you can do this, if you need to talk or need a friend, I’m always here, feel free to message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open :) (hugs)