AKGibson said 9 years, 4 months ago:

I can’t stand him any longer. He’s just a freaking ass. I mean seriously. Not once has he said a kind word to me in the past couple of years. He’s always tearing me down and making me feel worthless. No matter how I answer anything I’m “snippy” or “wrong” or “rude.” I could even say thank you! And I’m freaking rude! No matter what I do, it’s not good enough for him. Well, you know what, fine. I’m done then. I don’t give a shit about you anymore. You want to treat me like shit and expect me to respect you then maybe you need to be the one to learn your freaking manners. She asks me “hey do you want to keep this?” I tell her “no.” he then proceeds to ask me again as if he wasn’t standing right there and heard me tell her know “well if you ever are teaching they might be good to keep.” he says “then if you want to keep them, keep them. I don’t want them.” I say. Granted the first part is a bit snippy, but I’m so sick of it. Hell, that’s the only time he is nice, if I’m sick. If I’m sick he’s tries to pretend he’s freaking god to me! “Oh look how kind I am, getting you a pitcher of water” Too bad it’s the only thing you’ve done since I’ve been sick. Too bad she has been the one that has come and asked me if I need anything, heaven forbid I’m the one that has gone down to grab what I want without asking him. Then the moment I say I feel better “oh you need to do this, this, this and this, because you are snippy. oh also, clean up this mess you made.” Oh hell no! I’m not cleaning up that mess because you are the ass that made it. It has your name on it, literally! And while we are at this little rant, you need to shut the hell up and start respecting her and me! All you do is order her! She is the one bringing up all the boxes not you! Don’t act like you do anything around this house. Because you don’t you are just an ass that doesn’t give a shit about anybody else but yourself. What terrifies me the most is people say I’m just like you. I’m so scared that I’m actually like you. That I order people around and I yell at them for no reason. I’m beg that they just mean that I look like you or I have the same mannerisms, like the way I hold myself or my hands or something like that. I pray every day that I’m not like you, because I hate you. I would rather isolate myself from everyone I care about than be like you. And that’s what I do, I hide away. I try not to be around you as much as possible. And yet I strive to gain your approval just once. I strive for a thank you, just once. And I can’t even get that. We bought you exactly what you wanted for Christmas…not even a thank you, to either of us. You just went “holy shit, they actually bought it” you were surprised about it. Why? Probably because you know you didn’t deserve it. That you had been an ass all of our lives, but we still bought it for you. Even during Christmas I can’t get your damn approval. So this is it. I’m done, I’m not longer talking to you besides civil talk. If you say Hi I will say it back, but that is all you are going to get from me. I’ve tried so hard all these years to get you to understand, but you are so high and mighty upon yourself that there is nothing else I can do. Congratulations, you managed to break me. I’m done trying. I give up, I no longer love you. It is over.

Rain said 9 years, 4 months ago:

It sounds like you had a lot of anger bottled up. Don’t let it bottle up like that. I hope that you’re feeling a bit better now that you were able to write it all down and get it off your chest. If someone just makes you angry all the time, then you’re better off without them. Take some time for yourself and try to think about positive things. Spend time with people who make you feel good.