NightingaleSongs said 8 years, 8 months ago:

My husband is constantly complaining for alone time for gaming. He wakes up every morning early to play in his office and even when I’m up continues to play. He then usually gets back on later in the day if we are at home. I like some alone time but it gets to be too much. When we are together it feels as if it lacks quality. We’ve been together for 5+ years but married for 3 months. I feel we should still be in the honeymoon stage but he doesn’t even care to hangout most days. The less we hangout the less I begin to care. I feel numb most days. I don’t feel like a young, beautiful wife. I don’t feel he cares.

Hayden said 8 years, 7 months ago:

I understand alone time is important, and is needed, but that sounds like a bit too much.
I think the best option here would be to talk to him about it. Otherwise things most likely won’t change.

Lady Lionhead said 8 years, 7 months ago:

I’ve had this exact same situation. And trust me when I say: gamers are assholes in relationships. They’re addicted, and the time they spend on that game is more important than the time they spend with you. You’re only three months into your marriage and he’s already pulling this shit? You need to leave, now, before you have any kids and you feel stuck. Normal husbands already feel they’ve “won” you once you get married, and stop trying. Gamers don’t even bother with the common courtesy of remembering you’re in the room. It’s like those people who sit next to eachother but are glued to their phones. Just leave, now. Or if you want to give him a chance, tell him he needs to spend more time with you, or you’re leaving. But personally I wouldn’t even do that, because you shouldn’t have to beg for his time.

Diabetic Damsel said 8 years, 7 months ago:

I’m an avid gamer and have managed to maintain a relationship for over 10 years now. You have to remember that not all gamers are alike and while this sounds like SOME of the guys I’ve known that play I don’t think its worth throwing away your marriage already. I definitely agree with @devilndisguise. You should talk to him and explain how you’re feeling. That you feel ignored and unimportant. If things don’t change then you should consider marriage counseling THEN divorce as a last option. I hope he realizes that you’re more important than any game.