mew said 9 years, 10 months ago:

Sorry. I’m just frustrated. I went to my mothers recently just to get out of the city and do something different but every time I go there I literally come back in this depressed funk and it’s doing my head in. It’s gotten to the point where I think I should probably stop going there altogether but my dog is there, my nephew and nieces are there. I actually had a nice time [bar getting sick at the end of the week but what can ya do?] and got to hang out with my niece who I literally hadn’t seen in years but I just get to the end of the week and feel like a paranoid, nervous and depressed wreck and it’s really starting to bug me. I can only spend a certain amount of days there before I want to slap people because I don’t really get on with anyone in there but eugh!
I don’t even think this post made any actual sense but I’ve just been in a really foul, angry, feel like crying for no reason kind of mood since I got back and it happens every damn time I go there. Bah.

SevenLegends said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I know your pain… an extent, of coarse i dont know your pain but i have some simular experiances. everyday with my dad in the morning. if he isnt there everything runs smoothly, but with him there, he doesnt even have to say anything but i get a pretty foul mood for no good reason.
Im not really sure what to do to help keep it from happening but if you would like to talk to me about it feel free!

mew said 9 years, 10 months ago:

Thank you.
I think I really am just venting to be honest. I don’t know what to do about it either but it just drives me insane that I can feel okay for months then go into some sort of messed up state, mostly triggered by going there but not always. Bleh.

Deleted User said 9 years, 10 months ago:

You are not a wreck, you are an exceptional woman but unhappily, you doubt about it. Cheers up!! Life is just some Russian mountains where it goes up and down. But whenever you’re down, I am there for you.