SourKiss said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I am an Asexual among other things, this is a sexuality people are just learning to understand. So I wanted to ask Do You know what Asexual means? If you do what do you think about it?

Claire said 10 years, 8 months ago:

At first it reminded me of a seahorse being able to reproduce by itself, but now that I googled it, I pretty much got the gist.

I think you should be free to be who you want without people having to point fingers. Respect.

In this world of trending promiscuity, it’s also a breath of fresh air to know that there are people who can also choose not to be part of it (not that I’m judging those who do practice it, but it’s just nice to know) :)

Deleted User said 10 years, 8 months ago:

Forget labels and titles that are given by the masses to stereotype characteristics. Just be yourself and be free like the wind.

Hikari said 10 years, 8 months ago:

yes, I know what it is.. two of my best friends whom I consider sisters are Asexual, though in different ways.. What I think about it… well, when I first heard of it I didn’t really understand, because I did not know the difference between romantic and sexual attraction, but when i realised those are two completely different things and not always related to eahc other, it made perfect sense to me that some people can feel one, but not the other, or neither. I think that this is where most confusion comes from for most people not understanding asexuality, because they don’t realise that you can be attracted to soomeone while not wanting to get in that person’s pants…