mj said 10 years, 5 months ago:

i spend so much time on tumblr and i can’t get myself to finish all the things i need to get done. My tumblr breaks usually end up being longer than the study time (or whatever im trying to accomplish) itself. help

Mairead Chisholm said 10 years, 5 months ago:

I totally understand your problem.
Use a timer to limit your tumblr breaks to 10-15 minutes. Work for 50-45 minutes, and then tumble for the remainder of the hour. Or work for 25 minutes and blog for five. However you’d like to split it up.

Sierra said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Something I’ve found really helpful is a Chrome extension called StayFocused. You can program it to limit your browsing time for you and there’s no way to cancel once you’ve committed to a certain amount of time. The hardest part is actually activating it. After that, it’s easy. I personally love it.

RoMy said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Something like setting a timer helps for me most of the times. That, and I take care to note time in general. You can have a break and check tumblr, as long as you tell yourself 10 minutes and no more. If you can’t do it yourself, you’ve got apps on chrome that block a site, for example 3 hours. After that, you can scroll as much as you want ;)