Burdy said 8 years, 9 months ago:

So this is LONG!

My story started in the summer of 2009 when I added a guy in my class to MSN (anyone remember that anymore?) We started chatting all the time, throughout the entire summer holiday. When school started up we hung out and became really close friends.

In the meantime I had begun a long distance relationship with a wonderful girl though we had agreed to keep things open since we were both so young.

The guy I was friends with knew all about this since we talked about absolutely everything. We had so much in common, we were both bisexual, huge geeks, English kids living in France. It was so nice to have a wonderful girlfriend far away and a best friend who lived close by.

In March 2010, it came to light that my best friend wanted to be more than just friends and until then I had had no idea. I hesitated and he became convinced I was going to say no. All of my friends were offering advice on how to let him down gently!
But I thought about it and although it wasn’t something I’d considered before I wondered whether it could work – I mean we talked ALL DAY at this point. I’d wake up in the morning and text him, meet at school and talk all day, go home and MSN him, lie in bed and text him till we both fell asleep – it was ridiculous!
So I said yes, let’s try this! We kissed for the first time on the 29th of March 2010.

The next few weeks were a whirlwind. I went from being his best friend to falling for him – HARD.
I felt like the luckiest girl alive, since I now had two amazing partners.

Unfortunately my first relationship broke down a little while after in a long and complicated way that is not worth going into here, but the short of it is I fell out of love with her. It happens and it was horrible. Thankfully I had my boyfriend to help me through it.

Over the next year we were perfect together. We only had our first argument in the run up to our final exams when tensions were incredibly high.
We both made it through the end of school and got into our universities of choice. We ended up in universities about an hour away from one another in England.

Our first year at university we would text all week and spend the weekends together. His university friends became mine and vice versa. It was wonderful.

In 2012 his mental health took a turn for the worse and he had to drop out of university due to a mental breakdown. We began working together to help pull him through it in a variety of ways. He unfortunately fell victim to addiction which made both our lives incredibly difficult and stressful as he spent all his time and money on drugs and never wanted me to see the state he was in.
I had to take some time off university to look after my own deteriorating health but returned a year later.

In 2014, my partner moved in with me and in July 2014 we began renting our own house together – our names both on the lease.

Earlier this year I graduated with a 2:1 and this week my partner is returning to his studies at a new university nearby.

He has his mental health and addiction under control now and we are living a life of domestic happiness.

My story began in 2010, when we were 17 and isn’t over yet now in 2015 and I am 22. We talk about getting married when we can afford the wedding we both want and talk about buying a house also when we can afford it.
We both want live the rest of our lives together.

He is my best friend. He feels less like another person, than an extension of my own self now.

So that’s my love story! Thanks for reading! I’m now going out to dinner with him~ ^^

Hayden said 8 years, 9 months ago:

That’s so sweet.
It looks like you’ve been through a lot together, and neither of you ever really gave up.
Such a good love story! I hope you continue on living a happy life together.
And have fun at dinner. :)