Ellie said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I started cutting about 2 years ago. It wasn’t until recently that my boyfriend of 3 years found out. He just looked at me, and told me that if I ever did it again, he’d break up with me. I tried so hard to stop..but I just couldn’t resist the urge. I tried to hide it from him, but he eventually saw. So as promised, he left me all alone, which only made me cut more and more, each time a little deeper. I just can’t stop..

tbird1335 said 10 years, 7 months ago:

my boyfriend and i started dating after i stopped cutting so all he sees is the scars but after a huge fight with him, i thought we were done, i cut really deep and when he saw it a few days after we made up he told me if i did it again hed break up with me and for the last few years ive wanted to stop but recently the urges are coming back, stronger than ever, and it is so hard not to. im terrified of him breaking up with me over something he just doesnt understand. i understand why he doesnt want me doing it but breaking up with me over it will only make it worse. i wish your boyfriend would have understood too because they dont understand that threatening to leave us isnt going to help the problem at all, we have to want to quit for ourselves, not for them.

Gianna said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Either text him, call him, or meet in person and say that neither of you are allowed to lose your temper, say it’s just a talk. Slowly and carefully explain self harm to him (not how you do it, but why. And why it’s so hard to stop). When you’re done, ask if he understands why just abruptly forcing you to stop jut won’t work. If he doesn’t understand, reword your exploitation and give examples of things in his life that would help him understand. I’ve done so before with friends (I haven’t had trouble with the boyfriends that I’ve told) and it seems to work effectively. It at least buys you time until you can get into a more detailed explanation.