imdown said 10 years ago:

In trumpet flowers on the walls and footprints i did find,
An orchestra and stories of adventure in my mind.

I followed tracks and dug new holes and saw the world in me,
Awe shook me and it hooked me; brought me fever in my mind.

I saw the birds sit on their perch stare back from comfy wires,
The flying notes on flying poles forever in my mind.

And I was young, the world was old it was a gift to me,
I watched with little lens that were the filter for my mind.

And I was young and I was free from what the others thought.
Their rules and calculations, cold, were never in my mind.

Flew past and passed the flying notes till they became the past.
And as I passed, I grew up; was so clever in my mind.

Stopped flying and I took my perch; finally looked behind.
And saw myself so far away and little in my mind.

The flowers on the wall seemed to sway silent with no soul,
Did they that sway alone and dead cross never in my mind?

I went back to the lifeless I that I had left behind;
A coffin much too small to bury, forever on my mind.