Birdie said 10 years, 8 months ago:

Ohmygosh, that’s pretty much my sleep schedule during the school year, except I crash the second I get home (3:00PMish) and wake up at 6PM, like you.
In the summer, I usually stay up until 4AM, but lately I’ve been taking this summer class so I’ve been going to bed around 10PM-12AM; which I consider early for me:]

MimiSaya said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I used to go to sleep relatively early but recently I cannot go to sleep if it is not or and once I stayed up til 4am for no reason.

Drakko said 10 years, 8 months ago:

Lately I can’t sleep until 6-10am and I sleep in until 4pm…

I know its not healthy for me because I miss breakfast&lunch and my family is lecturing me about it but..

I can’t really help it O.o

DazedAndConfused said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I usually go to sleep at 4 or 6, but it sucks when I have work at 7am and don’t go to sleep that night. I’ve always stayed up pretty late tho, my body seems happier on 2 hrs of sleep than on 10 hrs

bluetelephonebox said 10 years, 8 months ago:

Most of the time I’m forced to bed by midnight (my parents check for light under the door), but if they miss me, I stay up as late (or early, if you prefer) as 4.

Sytry said 10 years, 8 months ago:

Usually if I have to be up for class the next day I’ll try to be asleep by 1AM at the latest. But most of the time I’ll be up until 4AM. Though for the last few weeks I’ve been up until 5-6AM.

Aiyana said 10 years, 8 months ago:

It’s horribly varied. I can be in bed by midnight, or stay up all night and not go to sleep until 8-10 in the morning. Or even later sometimes! …I don’t sleep very well.

Deleted User said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I usually get to sleep between 4-6 am and get up anywhere between 8 am – noon. Which is really terrible and I need to fix my sleeping schedule.

June said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I normally go to sleep somewhere between 3am and 7am, depending on where I am, who I am with, etc. I would prefer to go to bed around 11pm so that I could get up early, so this is something I need to work on.

V said 10 years, 8 months ago:

when I have class the next day, I attempt to wear myself out to get to sleep before 2am but usually I am up until about 5am.
I sleep about five or six hours on a good night though

Shannon said 10 years, 8 months ago:

Usually between 4-6 am, and then I try to stay up 24 hours so that I can go to bed early the next day, but it never works.

Jess said 10 years, 8 months ago:

It varies a lot. On a school night, going to bed can be anywhere between like 11pm – 2am, and getting to sleep can be anywhere between like 12am – 3am.

On a weekend, it’s like bed: 12am – 3am (sleep: 1am – 4pm) and HOLIDAYS is like bed: 2am – 7am (sleep: 3am – 8am).


Staceylou said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I’m rarely asleep before midnight lately, a good day will be sleeping at until about, last night I didn’t sleep until and woke up about My sleeping pattern sucks.

Madison said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I usually can’t fall asleep until 3ish. but some nights it goes on until 7 am. just too much on my mind i guess.

North Echo said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I usually i to sleep at like 3:30 in the morning. I have never seemed to be able to go to sleep at 10 or 11 unless practice really wore me out bad, or if I had to deal with getting a friend in her sleeping bag