Zach said 10 years ago:

Do you ever feel that things are going well, until you run into a “locked door” in your life? Still stuck at that door? You might not know it, but someone may be trying to open that door from the other side. Whisper through the keyhole, and let me know how you’re feeling on the other side.

Emma said 10 years ago:

I’m feeling alone and confused. I feel like I’ve hit a dead end in my life.

Kimberleigh said 10 years ago:

Does the “locked door” represent a block? An area of your life that is “going along well” but one area you might feel stuck? Can you just ignore that door that is speaking to you and resist trying to turn the knob to see if it is NOW unlocked? Maybe you are not meant to go there…and are tempted because it is a challenge. Perhaps it’s not time yet and you have to go out the back door and down a different path? Ahh, working with metaphors…fun times.

Zach said 10 years ago:

I’m sorry that you feel that way. Feeling alone is possibly the worst feeling in the world…I have a rather large bed, so I understand that feeling very, very well, especially at night. Loneliness is a good portion of the reason I can’t sleep. Why do you feel alone?

Emma said 10 years ago:

Yeah metaphors are fun and sometimes confusing. I’m at a road block due to the fact that I am forced to move back home to my parents house of which they don’t approve of my lifestyle. They have expressly forbidden me to only dress as a boy. I have no other place to go right now and I don’t want to go back home. I’ve tried the shelter idea but the only one I could find that would help me out as I’m trans is a shelter for drug addicted trans people. I’m afraid I’ll end up a hot mess if I move back home but on the other hand if I go to the streets I might end up a prostitute. Neither seems like a good option. What do you think I should do?

Zach said 10 years ago:

Kim, that’s an interesting idea, but when I say “locked door”, I mean one that should be open, and not locked shut. But thank you for the interesting viewpoint, it certainly gives me something to think about.

Kimberleigh said 10 years ago:

Emma, new beginnings are hard at the end of the road. Sounds like you are FEELING the feelings you need to in order to make some changes. Think of someone who inspires you…what does their day look like, or imagine it? They have done studies on that “act as if” mode of thinking and it actually works. You know you are just acting but eventually it becomes part of who we are, we get comfortable in it. We all do it all the time…at work, with family or friends…a therapy trick is to pick that person you admire, a super-hero of sorts…what are their mannerisms, strengths, how do they carry themselves and deal with the world? It can even be an imaginary superhero, how about Wonderwoman. How would she turn around the thinking that she was at a dead end? Of course she’d probably fly over it to go help someone…and actually, any time we get out of our own heads and help another it quickly changes our perspective and we get far more in return. Spend very little time there at the pity party and recognize that we are stronger than we think…find out what motivates you, it sounds like it time for change for both you and Akari…good luck! Get cape. Put on cape. Fly!

StephenDMH said 10 years ago:

This is certainly an interesting topic to discuss….I myself have been struggling as well…I long to find a woman be with……I feel like I have hit a roadblock in my life…stuck in some kind of limbo. How do I accept who I am if I am not even sure who I am yet? I know something is wrong…some might say I think too much, but that doesn’t take away this unease I feel. I have everything I NEED right now (clothes, food, family, friends, etc.) but something isn’t right, like my soul is trying to awaken or find something really really important…

Zach said 10 years ago:

NO capes!

Haha, joking aside, I’m more comfortable with the more Freudian idea of “masks”. Though, I may be a little too good at wearing them.

Stephen, that’s a pretty familiar place. but if you keep focusing on what’s lacking, you won’t be able to find what you’re looking for.

Think of it was walking through a park, staring at your feet. If you don’t look up, you’ll never see the people coming your way. I know it’s hard to do, but give it a shot, yeah?