daddysgirl said 11 years ago:

@mars I am the master at Disney trivia. I also a chess nerd, and I love math. I like solving puzzles. I never really got into comic books much, but you are right, without people like us the next generation is doomed to miss out on the good things in life.

blackdog said 11 years ago:

I’m the opposite. I’m into comics and scifi but I grew up without disney so I neither know nor like it. My hobbies are calligraphy (semi pro) and fixing things — anything from mending shirts and sharpening knives to painting walls and resanding floors.

daddysgirl said 11 years ago:

@blackdog hey fixing things is a pretty good hobby, not to mention handy. I would suggest watching a couple Disney movies though because you are missing out. My dad is a painter. He has done some pretty need rag ons on the walls which come out pretty cool.

hardstyle4life said 11 years ago:

I am joost and i have 3 major hobbies:

1. Computer programming, i study application development and i really enjoy to write software and codes. sometimes i write something totally useless and sometimes i write something very usefull. i program Open Source so everybody can use my source code :)

2. Linux. Linux is an Open Source computer operating system that gives you the power to do anything with the system YOU want. I work fulltime with linux and i’m very happy with the system.

3. Hardstyle/Hardcore music. I’m addicted to these music styles! If i could i would listen to them 24/7/365 :) . I love the bass, beats, synthesizers and lyrics.

so yeah this are my hobbies :D

daddysgirl said 11 years ago:

@live4hardstyle Nice! I know very little about computers. If I ever have a problem I just restart it and hope it fixes itself. I applaud you for being about to do coding and such!

Diana said 11 years ago:

First of all, I love and live writing poetry. Though I’m not sure how much of a hobby it is now, since I’ve also had some good results with it and I see as a developing secondary career for me, even though, yes, it is difficult to make something of it. I’m just saying, it’s kind of past the hobby phase.

I also really love collecting crystals. And I enjoy sewing needlepoints, though I have to admit it takes ages to complete one since I’m busy with other things.

daddysgirl said 11 years ago:

@dianatapsy what kind of crystals do you collect?

isha said 11 years ago:

i love to dance, paint and train with my trainer. All of this keeps me active and happy at the same time. Getting lost in the dancing takes me to another world. i practice all forms of dancing. Mainly contemporary. i love to hike as well. i am very close to nature that is why i paint as well. Exercising with my trainer just is another way to connect to nature as i do out door training which is a lot harder then gym training.

Deleted User said 11 years ago:

I do a lot of landscaping, I’m not much on gardening though. I like to design foundation plantings. I enjoy shopping the local nurseries for specimen shrubs and trees. I use alot of tropicals as well because the climate I live in is suited for them… Palms, banana, ginger.. Overall the more I plant the more there is to maintain, but it keeps me in shape and I can’t resist the opportunity to create my own little paradise!

Carson Elizabeth said 11 years ago:

My hobbies include dancing, singing, and playing piano. I started dancing when I was 3 years old, started playing piano when I was 8 years old, and started singing before I could even say any word correctly! As a child, I went through a lot and music plus dancing just always acted as my escape from chaos that surrounded me every single day. I’ll never stop having these hobbies until my heart stops beating

daddysgirl said 11 years ago:

@isha I love to do paint by numbers, but I’m not artistic enough to free hand. I love nature too!
@sugar-girl landscaping can be fun. I always enjoy the end product. I haven’t gotten into gardening either, but I do enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables from a garden.
@rainskittel I love singing too. Always a favorite of mine. It helps me relax.

Jay said 10 years, 10 months ago:

My hobbies are blogging, guitar, keyboard, singing, helping people, and doing other random stuff.

Pipistrelle said 10 years, 10 months ago:

I generally spend my time on tumblr, sewing historical or cosplay outfits (at the moment I’m working on a Tudor bodice and a Sylph of Light costume), learning alphabets and ways of fortune-telling (the Elder Futhark and Hildegarde’s Lingua Ignota are my favourites ^^), trying to help people, drawing, playing guitar and singing, majorly British and Canadian folk songs. Fencing doesn’t really count as a hobby, as there aren’t any clubs nearby that I can go to regularly, but I try to keep in practise. Tumblr’s started to swallow up the other stuff, though :/

georgey said 10 years, 8 months ago:

I build computers, play the guitar and write stories. If I’m not doing those, I’ll probably be sat at my desk all day wishing I was doing something else :p

wibblywobblyastrophysicist said 10 years, 6 months ago:

I’m Jaime (or james if you are native englis speaker wich im not) and my main hobbies are kind of weird…
I like building RC stuff like planes and robots and also making fireworks some times but also photography and building stuff in general.