justanotherone said 10 years, 6 months ago:

So.. I’m new here but I kinda wanna join the party.
If I could keep one of my senses I think it would be hearing, because that way without sight we aren’t driven to making any judgments based on things that shouldn’t matter. We could all just kind of hear each other out and fall in love with friends and our boyfriends or girlfriends based solely on the thoughts they express as opposed to the way they look.
Of course I would definitely miss the sense of touch taste and smell as well but.. I still think hearing would be the best choice!

Q: What’s your idea of a perfect society?
I’m sorry if this questions already been asked.. I couldn’t make it through all the posts. I really wanted to answer the last question!

Stephen said 10 years, 6 months ago:

The perfect society is one in which more people put forth the effort to understand each other. The main problems in today’s society stems from ignorance, misunderstanding, and insensitivity. If more people had a better understanding of another person’s culture, beliefs, lifestyle, and situation, the less conflicts and retaliations would be carried out due to assumptions and closed minded thinking.

Q: What qualities do other people possess that inspire you be a better person?

erin said 10 years, 6 months ago:

People who are optimistic all the time. Even when I’m pissed as hell and don’t want to listen to anyone, someone who honest to God does their best to try to make others happy and to be a good person inspire me to do the same.

Q: What’s the worst boy/girl problem you’ve ever had?

Deleted User said 10 years, 6 months ago:

biggest girl problem = some stalking me, not funny, especially when youre 14, and I was not attracted to her one bit.

Q: What is better than feeling alive( alive = skydiving, cliff jumping)?

AbsolutelyCliche said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Haha being in love. It’s really does make you feel like more than alive. If that makes any sense at all.

I suppose I, too am allowed to jump right in here lol

What’s your biggest fear? I apologize if someone’s asked this before, I just joined this group lol

Deleted User said 10 years, 6 months ago:

@absolutelycliche perhaps love the first time:p

my biggest fear is probably something bad happening to my younger sister.

Q. If you were the UN secretary general, what would your first actions be?

Nobody Important said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Hmm… thats a hard one. Maybe I’d set up and fund small businesses in third world countries.

What’s the #1 thing on your bucket list?

Deleted User said 10 years, 6 months ago:


Q. if you were in a confined space for 15 hours, what would you that woul keep you alert as well as refreshed after the confinement?

PlaceGame said 10 years, 6 months ago:

If I could bring something with me, I’d bring my guitar, piano, or iPod, and listen and play until the time was done. If I couldn’t bring anything, I’d probably write songs in my head and sing to myself.

What’s the biggest risk you ever took for another person?

JoeCa95 said 10 years, 6 months ago:

The biggest risk ive ever take for another person was when I took my moms car at like 3 am to be with my girlfriend at the time. That was the last time I was gonna get to spend time with her because I was moving to Dallas and I didnt want to miss the opportunity. It was worth the risk.

Nest question:
I tend to get bored of my gfs fairly quickly and i dont know why so…

How do you stay interested in your bf/gf?

Nugget said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Stay interested by spending time together doing the things that interest you both, have fun, date nights etc. Always leave time for yourself too, spend time with friends, alone time! You can’t spend all day every day together or you will get sick of each other. Keep the passion alive, try new things, explore each other emotionally and physically.

If you know that someone close to you is cheating on another close friend what do you do? Tell them or stay quiet?

awesome126 said 10 years, 6 months ago:

umm I really had to think alot about this but I would most definitely confront the one cheater and no the one being cheated on ! Because I never get why people cheat , I would make him/ her clear this up and then I’ll talk to one who he/her is cheating on !Too many this may not seem the right thing but it actually depends alot exactly on what the situation is , but i would try my best to break the news causing as less damage i can the person who is being cheated on . (Still I got no close friends so that’s NOT gonna happen)
Anyways sorry I got toooooooooooooooooooooo much into the question !
Hope I didn’t bore you to death with that 1
Please wake up nooooooo I didn’t :P

Anyways on to the question
And to make up for my chitter chatter I’ll give you 2 questions you can answer both or one only
*drum rolls*

Have you ever had a best friend whom you trusted and it all turned out wrong ?
If you could invent any gadget what would it be and why ? (Give it a coooooool Name :P )

lalajoliefille said 10 years, 6 months ago:

yesss i had a friend i shared almost everything with, even my deepest fears sometimes. and he did too and he comforted me when i was feeling bad so i thought everything was fine, but yeah then he turned his back on me out of nowhere and randomly told me i had to stop being ‘a pathetic loser’. sooo never tell everything you know haha.

next question is: are you excited for Christmas? if not or if so why?

Deleted User said 10 years, 6 months ago:

I am excited for christmas! Love spending time with my family.

Question: Do you like pickles?

PlaceGame said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Not really, no.

What’s your favourite type of food? (Eg. Italian, Chinese, Mexican etc.)