rinseandrep said 9 years, 3 months ago:

@anti-feministfrank “But its somehow totally ok for feminists to [...] say a guy is supporting rape culture when he says that not all men are rapists. wtf?”

In my experience, when someone says “We need to do something about all the women being raped”, and someone replies with “Not all men are rapists”, the first person experiences frustration because the person they are talking to is making the discussion about themselves and not addressing the original topic, and that’s not helping improving society. The problem is not being available to discuss what some men do, how we all are raised to tend to blame it on the woman (see first post in this thread, “she was probably angry with him and decided to ruin his life out of evil”), etc.
It clearly doesn’t mean you go around telling people rape is awesome, it just means you are not doing your best at do what you can about it (be it not laughing at rape jokes made in front of women at work, or telling your buddy to let the drunk girl sleep, or whatever you can).

✧Sumer✧ said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Definition of feminism: the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities (source http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/feminism)

Rape Statistic https://www.rainn.org/get-information/statistics/sexual-assault-victims (Women are multiple times more likely to be raped, or have been raped, and men are raped mainly by other men, not women)

Wage gap: http://www.aauw.org/research/the-simple-truth-about-the-gender-pay-gap/

Domestic violence: http://domesticviolencestatistics.org/domestic-violence-statistics/ (general)


Mental Health statistics:http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/help-information/mental-health-statistics/men-women/ ((Women are MORE LIKELY to attempt suicide, men are just more likely to ACCOMPLISH suicide))

So, in fact, women are lower class than men. As a feminist myself, I stand up for men also. So anyone thinking feminist are “man hating” you’re ignorant. Do some research, just because some people give us a bad name doesn’t mean all of us are bad. That’s a way to be extremely stereotypical, something I hate just as much.
So, educate yourselves. Read some of this stuff, do some of your own research instead of bashing how the Feminazis represent us.

Have a lovely day!

Neilzzz said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Its just that the stupid loud-mouthed people just speak louder about complex issues so we assume that thats the manner in which all feminists think.

Deleted User said 9 years, 3 months ago:

See.Everyone should have those equal rights for everything..Its not bad to stand up for rights,is it?.You simply cant term them as arrogant for that sake.I belong to India,I know the conditions of women here.Rape,Gender inequalities and the attrocities that come with it,inequality at work and all those stuffs are too damn prevalent here..I think being a feminist,they’re supposed to oppose views..doesn’t mean that they’re being arrogant or ignorant or something.Maybe its the viewpoint that has to change.
(This comes from a boy,do mind that)

Deleted User said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Im not a feminist myself, im a humanist. Im from zimbambwe its in Africa and here woman are secondary to men in alot of ways, from jobs, rape, abuse etc. Getting someone arrested is not as easy hell men here have more rights than woman to e point were a girl would be told to stay at home and clean and cook because thats what they consider right in their mind but that said there is also no rights for gay people its plain illegal to be gay not to get married but to be gay so if a guy is caught with a guy u will be thrown in jail same if u are even suspected of loving another girl and even if there os little proof for it, theres alot of racism too and not like whites hating blacks but blacks hating whites and taking revenge on the white minority because of what history dictates, so e blacks fought for empowerment only to then take it and use it agnaist another race but just because it undermines the goverments belief system and morals then automatically its wrong.but that doesnt make it right

that said I think we still need feminists because noone else is willing to fight for e rights of woman . its still so bad in alot of areas around the world but I do agree that alot of people use it for e wrong reasons so I think people should stop being about woman rights or man rights or gay rights or black empowerment hell we are all human, people should fight for human rights in general because in my eyes everyone is undermined by another group simply because of what that group believes. So instead of just being abou one thing and fighting agnaist another, people should unite and fight for one cause. LIFE

Weeb Trash said 9 years, 3 months ago:

That sounds like a real fucked up situation. Hopefully shit gets better. But for that to happen, there needs to be a movement. It seems to me that Zimbabwe is a more exaggerated version of the area I live in, known as the Bible Belt. The US federal government overturned my state’s ban on gay marriage, so the state simply refuses to issue marriage licenses to everyone now. Apparently ditching religious dogma and moving on to the 21st century is a loooong road.
Pic related, it’s everyone’s face when their argument got destroyed by that post.

Anti-FeministFrank said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Firstly: In my experience, when someone says “We need to do something about all the extreme feminists”, and someone replies with “Not all feminists are extremists”, the first person experiences frustration because the person they are talking to is making the discussion about themselves and not addressing the original topic[...]. I’m not trying to say that extreme feminists are as bad as rapists but just trying to point out that it’s the same argument.

rinseandrep said 9 years, 3 months ago:

@anti-feministfrank So you just compared being raped to being annoyed by how much vehement someone can be about their ideas? ^_^’

Anyway, I just explained to you how can you contribute to rape culture, since you seemed outraged at the concept.

Deleted User said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Everyone here seems so peaceful xD