Weeb Trash said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Hi BT, normally I wouldn’t go on a half-psychotic rant like this, but I’ve had it with Third-wave Feminism and need to make this rant. After all, that’s what this group is for right?
Note: As this is a rant (on a delicate subject, nonetheless), you may be offended. If you’re only here to get pissed off at me and flip your shit, leave. Otherwise, read and maybe debate me on this like an intelligent human being. I will GLADLY engage in civil discussion and admit it if someone proves otherwise.

I just saw this post on Facebook that read as follows:
“Evidence is a white cis male invention that enables them to always be right. Evidence doesn’t mean shit in the real world.”
Actually, you sheltered, uneducated dumbfuck, evidence was NOT a “white cis male” invention, it’s the basis behind “proof”, a concept which Feminism has no concept of, considering the kind of claims it makes.

For the record, I support women’s rights, LGBT rights, hell, even animal rights. I think we should all be equal no matter what you call yourself or do in your own bedroom. Shit, I used to call myself a Feminist — until I discovered what modern Feminism is. To say the least, it’s a hate group that refuses to acknowledge that it’s a hate group. They scream “equality” yet preach hate towards men as a whole, and even other women who call bullshit.

My first problem with this new Feminism is the fact that they tell everyone “Don’t hate yourself for being you! Be yourself and don’t let anyone tell you you’re not awesome!” And they legitimately mean it, if you’re not skinny, not white, and not a straight male. I’m sorry for being white, heterosexual, male and not obese. Actually, no I’m not. Suck my dick.

Then there’s the fact that they actively protest things centered around men. This is a video of Feminists blocking entrance to an event centered around suicide in the male population.

Is this shit really necessary? How is it benefiting women in any way? It’s not. All it did was piss people off, and the only reason it was done is because it involved problems *men* are having, which modern Feminism not only ignores but claims don’t exist. News flash: the system, as it sits, fucks over both men and women. Yes, a male hiring manager can turn you down in an interview because your tits weren’t big enough or you didn’t dress like a slut. But a woman can end a man’s career, without ANY real proof, with two words: sexual harassment. A woman can have *consensual* sex with a man and ruin his entire life and have him thrown in prison, again without real proof, with ONE word: rape. I don’t know how it works elsewhere, but all it takes to convict a man for rape in the United States is evidence of intercourse and a bruise you could’ve gotten from tripping over a rock. Need I say more?

But wait, I’m not done. Here’s the kicker: some of these people have the audacity to claim they got fucking PTSD from the internet. This is outright disrespect to the people that actually have PTSD. If you spent a year getting shot at while serving your country and it mentally fucked you up so hard that you hide from fireworks shows, you really do have PTSD, as well as my sympathy. If you claim to have it because someone called you a fatass on the internet, however, shut the fuck up. Stop browsing Tumblr, unplug your router and get off your 600-pound ass for once. And put down that Big Mac, it was made by a man, from meat that was likely carved by a man from a cow that was probably killed by — you guessed it — a man, and by buying it you supported the “patriarchy”. DID THAT TRIGGER YOU?

Modern Feminism is a load of shit. They could care less about the women in the Middle East being made into martyrs for simply speaking out — that’s not their problem. All they care about is having their daily Tumblr circlejerk and a hypothetical wage gap. I could go on for days on end about why I think Feminism is bullshit, but I’ll leave it up to you to research it for yourselves. Rest assured, while it claims to be against oppression, Feminists would become oppressors themselves if given the chance.

So for this reason, I now call myself a humanist. Like I said, I don’t give a fuck what you do in your own home, who you sleep with or what you have between your legs. If you’re nice to me, I’m nice to you.

Peanutter said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Very interesting rant. Although I’m not here to argue, I do believe that feminism has been very distorted and fractured in modern times. My sister considers herself a feminist and when I attempt to bring up another point of view she automatically shuts me off. Until we make some sort of helmet or virtual reality interface to actually feel each other’s feelings, I don’t think the genders will ever fully understand each others problems sadly.

The mob mentality in that video was disgusting. I honestly want to understand the anger those people felt. Why did they feel the need to lash out so violently on a MRA lecture about suicide?

Weeb Trash said 9 years, 3 months ago:

“Why did they feel the need to lash out so violently on a MRA lecture about suicide?” Because it had the words “men” and “rights” in it. Therefore, it was oppressive and supported the imaginary “patriarchy”.

Humanist Hope said 9 years, 3 months ago:

I went back and forth with a hardline feminist for THREE DAYS just trying to get her to answer a direct question. I’m not exaggerating. She literally avoided answering a direct question because she claimed it was me exercising my “entitlement” to time, energy and explanation. That woman was an overbearing bitch.

Feminism is Humanism. Yes, women’s rights are still behind, but the goal of Equal Human Rights is identical to the goal of Equal Women’s Rights. Yes, there is an inculcated patriarchy that is struggling to stay afloat, but every group has extremists, and Feminism has man-haters.

This woman called the #NotAllMen movement a whiny excuse to ignore misogyny, just because it was individual men refuting the idea that men in general persecute or somehow oppress women. I have helped literally hundreds of women on this site alone, and she claimed that I was not a victim’s advocate, no matter how much I wanted to be.

I got very upset during that conversation, and I firmly believe that was her point.

DQj23 said 9 years, 3 months ago:

I think another problem feminism in the modern world faces is that not only does it show a face of extremism on social media, but social education itself does nothing to correct the interpretation young girls and boys are exposed to. Every day sites like face book and Tumblr have these so called “feminists” making outrageous claims about what women’s rights should be defined as, and because of the front page nature of the internet, none of our youth are seeing the other side of what feminism used to be.

Approximately 80% of the people who attend my liberal arts university are women, and I have sat through countless gender equality and feminism courses. Of all those girls (and yes I say girls, because only 3 or 4 men were ever in the classes and i didn’t have much chance to interact with them) I would only actually consider one of them a truly educated feminist who cared about mens side of the story too.

What I saw in these classes that upset me most is that even university education has become so complacent that a Professor will not tell a student that they do not understand what the word “feminism” is supposed to mean. When even the people who are supposed to be leading social development won’t tell a fem nazi to sit down and shut up we definitely have a problem in equality in this discussion. Nothing is more upsetting than seeing a snotty 19 year old girl tell a man in my feminism classes that he can’t have an opinion on women’s issues because he is part of the patriarchy.

Autumn said 9 years, 3 months ago:

I hate to pull the cliche “this is why I like hanging out with men more” card, but as a college student, I am constantly surrounded by women like this. It frustrates me that they preach the importance of women being able to do what they want, but when I mention the fact that I wouldn’t mind staying home and cooking and taking care of children if that’s what fate entails, I’m suddenly spineless for giving my husband all of the control. I just don’t understand how the meaning of equality got so twisted.

Besides… never have I ever been told I can’t do something because I’m a woman, or known any woman that’s been paid less than their male coworkers anyway..

People are too sensitive.

Weeb Trash said 9 years, 3 months ago:

I appreciate the sensible responses. Maybe humanity’s not as fucked as i thought it was. @Jonathan, most of the Feminists you meet online will be. I guess all the real ones are off their asses and doing something about their problems. @DQj23, I know how that feels. I could say that I think the sky is blue, and your average Feminist will tell me I’m wrong because I have a dick. Feminism used to be something I’d support. The original ideals behind it are something I *do* support, but I refuse to associate myself with what the movement is today. And plot twist: I’m a dude. I may be a ponyfag, but I’m a straight dude that supports women’s rights. @Autumn, there’s no winning an argument with a Feminist, even if you’re a woman yourself. If you don’t hate men, you’re an apologist. If you let your man make decisions for the sole purpose of making your own life easier, you’re spineless (as you said). And if you take on the stereotypical housewife role because your man is working and shit has to be done, you’re supporting gender-based social roles, and therefore the patriarchy itself. It’s just like the Bible — there’s always an excuse.

rinseandrep said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Your previous posts about your ex girlfriend suggested that you had a lot of this pent up.

You are entitled to your opinion, as are the people who care for feminism, fat activism, and any other group who will not appreciate you dismissing their criticism. Nowadays they have a voice and the instruments to gather their power as consumers and take their business elsewhere from whatever you associated your speech with, and that’s ultimately what you will not be able to argue about.

Because everybody has a “notallmen do that, stop talking about all the who men do it” pitch, or some mansplain pitch, or a “I saw a human imperfect feminist be an idiot, hence the entire movement is a fraud” pitch, or a “we should call it another name regardless of the name itself being an icon past heroes have fought with blood for”, or a “there’s kids in Africa dying, fix that first” pitch, or some other pitch about everything but surely not minorities and gay women or trans women in our own country, and if they had to argue with everyone about every single issue they would never make it anyway. All the correct answers to your issues are easily searchable through google anyway.

TL:DR #notallfeminists
Luckily it’s not going to stop, regardless of all the death/rape threats.

Please continue to be vocal about your concerns so everybody who crosses your path can be aware about your position on these issues and act accordingly for their own safety.

I think it’s fourth wave now.

@blackholehead I was very surprised to see you use gender slur, specially in this context.

Weeb Trash said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Some men rape. Some men beat women. Some men are bona-fide pieces of shit that need to be put down. Then again, women cheat. Women lie. Women will leave divorce court with a smile, knowing that their ex-husband just lost everything he spent his life working for. My main concern is that Feminism (at least here in America) cares not one little bit if a Saudi Arabian woman is publicly executed for baring her arms in public. They care more about “muh wage gap” and “muh patriarchy” than they do actual oppression. Women here are already empowered. They have all the power legally, and I dare you to prove me wrong here. Women win the vast majority of custody battles. Women can cry “rape” and have a man thrown in prison with hearsay. Women can literally beat the shit out of a man and even threaten him with a weapon, but if the man fights back, he gets arrested and labeled a “woman beater” for the rest of his life, even if it was self defense. Women can abort children without the father’s consent, yet there’s nothing protecting him from the mother using him as a free meal ticket for the next 18 years should she decide to keep the child. And god help him if he misses one child support payment because he had an emergency. He will be locked in jail until SOMEBODY ELSE pays it for him. I know, I know. Debtors’ prisons are illegal, but all a judge has to do to throw you in jail for a debt is to say it’s “contempt of court”. I’ve seen it happen firsthand. My main point is, women are empowered enough here. They’re more than equals here. They have the power to monumentally fuck over a man and the LAWS WERE WRITTEN THAT WAY. It’s time to stop trying to demonize men here and move on to fixing shit elsewhere. Feminism ran its course here and succeeded in what it was originally designed to do. There will always be social problems, even in developed countries, but only addressing the needs of one side while mocking those that take care of the other is disgusting.

Rising said 9 years, 3 months ago:

I decided not to read every detail of all of what written before because I’m not really in the mood for a debate.
I used to be very much a feminist and a man hater really. Now though I’m an equalist, I believe in equal rights and respecting everyone, no double standards, one thing is good enough for one gender and not the other. Because when it all comes down to it we are all human, and we all have the same human rights and I think that should also be reflected in pay and the treatment of each other.
If sexism is in play, I really think everyone should be protesting that, and not just that gender that it effects.

Weeb Trash said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Exactly @dandelionsRbeautiful, we’re all human. Everyone should be equal, and everyone should be protesting discrimination, no matter what form it takes place in. As previously stated though, modern Feminism is a hate group. Note that my distinction between normal Feminism and the *modern* version of the movement is in that just regular old Feminism involved people actually making a difference where one needed to be made, instead of sitting around hating everything with a penis.

The Giggle Blizzard said 9 years, 3 months ago:

The issue I have with the feministic movement – although it’s not really about feminism, this happens in most ethical issues – is that it’s such a delicate subject that people (on all sides) get so incredibly emotional about it, there’s a lot of hate and anger and a lot of people pick their side and then stick to it. The world isn’t black and white, there are in betweens and abnormalities, even the stupidest person can say something smart every now and then but people are so quick to write off their “opponants” as ignorant, trolls or just always wrong.

It’s mostly just a whole bunch of extremism (on both sides) going on and to an extremist, a moderatist is an extremist because they have the mindset that “if you don’t pick a side then you’re not on my side so you’re my opponant”. I think it’s important to not react badly when people complain about extremism on your side though because if you’re not one then why associate yourself with them? There’s a lot of problems with the world these days but I think it mostly comes down to just people putting too much emotion into these kinda things and not enough thinking.

Peanutter said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Totally agree with you on that @giggleblizzard. I believe in order to benefit society as a whole you definitely have to take the emotional aspect out of the equation. To actually look at the statistics and evidence for both sides.

When people are full of hate and anger no one thinks rationally. They just act on those emotions and that’s dangerous. I try to be as understanding as possible and I’m pretty sure some of those people in the video didn’t really mean what they said (or perhaps I’m an optimist). As you said, people just put too much emotion in topics like this.

Autumn said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Can I just throw in that I’m pretty proud of this site and how this post is still a healthy discussion instead of a bloodbath?

And I do definitely agree about the legal power. Being a child of divorce.. you would be kind of foolish to see it any other way. I just still don’t understand the animosity of this modern feminist movement.

But, eh. It’ll be something completely different in a decade.

rinseandrep said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Do you realize you keep repeating that you are a humanist and genders should be equal while repeating about how women allegedly have it better (from a convenient selection of point of views) and (I assume) how they should be taken down a notch?

And all of your women have it better examples probably apply to white straight women, you seem to be focused a lot on middle eastern women in other countries, but there are a lot in your country too, experiencing sexism, racism and islamophobia, and when you suggest feminism is not needed in your country, you are writing them off. A feminist can worry about intersectionality in their country AND someone else’s at the same time.

The previous model of genders dynamics is to blame with whatever laws are in place now to compensate for how unbalanced it was, so blame patriarchy and rape culture too. You can work and vote for better laws if you want to do something with results.

Everything you can complain about with “feminazis”, you can say about Men Rights Activists. Everything negative that has been said about women and feminists here, it’s also true about Men Rights activists.