Adam said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Well for starters, I am Adam, and I am 17. When I was 3 I started getting bullied and it still hasn’t stopped, physically and emotionally. The bullies have took so much from me, I feel like I am unable to live my life. I have lost any and all confidence in myself. I recently cut and really wanna start new. So I am a really nice guy, it is what I pride myself on. I am funny once I get to know someone. I am just, really shy and get so nervous around certain girls. I just, dont know what to do. I am a nervous mess around girls. I have been told I am a decent looking kid but I just, dont know what to do. So girls, what do you look for in a guy? This is me by the way

Alice956 said 10 years, 2 months ago:

First of all, yes, you look better than a lot of people. And second, what I look for a guy (personally, try not to think of it as a general statement) is someone who really cares about me. Especially one who knows me well.

Another thing that’s good if you want to get a girl is to never, ever, EVER take “fine” as a response. If a girl says that, then in her mind, everything should pretty much die around her. Basically, be really caring, and listen to her. If she can trust you with something she says, then you can probably trust her as well.

Cassidy said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Same as above ^^
I feel like, with most guys, dating is just a game, but to girls, it’s serious, so don’t treat her like one day you care one day you don’t, like my boyfriend does with me. Also, just get someone with a personality like you! Sometimes, opposites do attract, but not all the time.

It’s a Secret to Everybody said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I know it asks for girls to answer, but I kinda have to disagree with the above statement – I’ve known more girls than guys who see dating as a ‘game’ (not saying there aren’t guys who do – just that there are plenty of girls who do, too). And treating a girl right doesn’t necessarily mean anything to them (certainly not my ex, for instance) – make sure you find someone who’ll appreciate it, and like you for you, rather than ditching you for some ‘bad-boy’ the moment he comes along.

shnygurl said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I think the right person for you is the one that believe you are perfect just the way you are..we all have our flaws but the one who was meant for u won’t see them…they way only see the best of you…so don’t put yourself down I think u look awesome n sounds amazing trust me n please pretty please don’t cut yourself anymore that mean u giving up n warriors never back down from a fight and maybe one day you will be able to tell your story with a smile on your face n how you become victorious…by the way shy guy are so cute n being nervous show that you care…no one really like too much cocky …if you ever want to talk im here and in needs for a friend so lol message me or add me n we will become besties lol byeeeeeeeeeeee

NoAngel said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I don’t have a particular characteristic I look for in guys, I just want a nice guy. Nice guys are hard to find sadly, I think that you should just be the nice guy, and eventually all girls are going to see that, in the end we all want to marry the nice guy and not the jerk. Just be yourself and ignore those that taunt you, most of the time people taunt you out of jealously, meaning you have something that they want. So continue to be yourself and things will go right.

Tea said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I think you should stop focussing on what girls look for, and start focussing on being the best you can be. There is no clear answer to what girls look for in guys anyway. Different people like different things.

If anything, change because /you/ want to, not because you think you’ll get a girl that way.
(If you only change to get a girl, you’re not a nice guy.) Just be yourself, be self-confident and it’ll all be fine, honestly. :)

If you want to stop being nervous around girls, hang out with them more, build some confidence. Realise it really isn’t that different, girls are people too! ;)

The Giggle Blizzard said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Pretty much what Tea above said, be confident in yourself and if you make a change in your style make sure it’s a change you’re confident in aswell, apart from that just chill out and meet a lot of girls and eventually you should be able to get something going.

abbeyroad12 said 10 years, 2 months ago:

You’re a great looking guy! Honestly, I think the biggest turn on is someone with confidence in who they are. You’ve gone through a lot but dont let those people take anything from you. Who the hell are they to tear you down? They say you find love when you’re least looking for it. You’re 17. This is a time in your life to figure out who you are and be the best you can be. Stop worrying about what girls want. What do you want? Start figuring it out, build your mind, and take care of your body. No girl can resist a confident, happy, healthy man that knows what he wants. Life’s too short to worry about other people and when the worry stops who knows who will come along. (:

Megan_Leanne21 said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I am so sorry that you are bullied, especially at such a young. There is nothing wrong with you, you are nice looking. When I think of a good boyfriend, I think of someone who is caring, sweet, spontaneous. Someone who is non judgmental, and doesn’t want to change me, but likes me for me. You will find that perfect someone, they are out there, you may just have to wait a little while. Good luck! =)

Deleted User said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I think you need to just stop worrying about getting the girls to come to you. As a girl, I am attracted to strong independent males who don’t even think about themselves or throw themselves at girls or showcase their good qualities because they are so inherent they don’t even have to try. If you just don’t try too hard and focus on being you, the right girl will see you for who you are and show some interest. You don’t need to change yourself; you’re perfect how you are. I hope this was of some assistance. just my two cents

Brooke said 10 years, 1 month ago:

dude ur not ugly, trust me ur not, plus whenever ur an amazing person, it makes u even more attractive. i like shy guys, when they try it shows they are sincere and genuine, and if girls can’t see that, ur with the wrong ones. ill find ur girl, trust me u will. good luck, be confident cus u seem super awesome

Deleted User said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Don’t give up, be strong and prove all those people who pushed you done wrong! You stronger then you think. Just dig deep. As for the girl problem. Uh… well im a chick so lets see if i can be of any help.. maybe.. haha. Um well you are not ugly as previously mentioned. Just be yourself. Try your best to be as confident as you can. Don’t be scared. And yeah thats all you can really do. Don’t try to change yourself for something like wanting a girl. You as a person are more important then having a cute girlfriend. ;) so just be you and be patient.

JuiceBox said 10 years, 1 month ago:

Its hard to say what exactly girls look for in guys, because their are so many types of girls out in the world. But I think if your caring towards her and honest things will be fine, who knows they might be just as nervous as you are. For me there is nothing better than when a guy is being himself in front of me and is totally honest.

Elsa said 10 years, 1 month ago:

It might seem like girls like assholes, but no one can see your winning personality from across the room, and those that make the most noise, and take up the most room get noticed, are the ones that are remembered, get attention. Whereas the quiet nice guys are just background scenery, and largely invisible in comparison to the showy, cocky, and noisy ones. Even if they aren’t largely liked, they were still proactive enough to get attention, whereas you stayed invisible.

Someone has to get to know you to know that you’re a nice guy, but before that happens, you have to get their attention. You have to make a scene, be proactive. Get involved in some group or activity, and actually be involved, and get some attention. Be noticed.

Eventually the asshole gets revealed as such when their relationships get to a certain depth, but just trust that you will be revealed as a good person over time — first though, learn to step into the spot light from time to time.