mullofkintyre said 9 years ago:

Hi all! I really tried to avoid asking my friends and family about this because I wanted to try and figure it out on my own, but of course i’m not always the best when it comes to seeing if somebody likes me in the way that I like them.

In short, I’ve been speaking to this guy every day for the past 2 months. He lives in California and I live in Boston, so we’ve only been able to use things like Skype, Whatsapp, Twitter, etc to talk with one another. He is so nice that there isn’t even a proper word to describe it. The thing is is that he is super friendly with everybody and that makes it all the more harder to see if he likes me more than just a friend.

I can see that he does treat me slightly different to how he is with his friends and everyone else but I don’t know if that’s a bad thing or not. He’s more openly jokey and uses more things like hearts and winky emojis with them…god I can’t believe I said that, but it’s still a means of showing interest! I have a strong suspicion that he may also have feelings for me but maybe doesn’t know how to convey those feelings or he is very good at hiding them, or he doesn’t have feelings at all and he’s just being his friendly self. I mean he texts me during college, during work, when he’s busy recording and editing videos for his YouTube channel, etc. So he puts in a lot of dedication into talking with me but it’s just hard to really read him. His good friends on YouTube have all accepted me and have been so nice to me which is great. Should I ask one of them if they think Jeremy likes me or not? Seriously, i’m nearly 21 and I am the worst at this kind of stuff.

Since he’s very close to 10,000 subscribers on his channel I thought it would be a great idea to message all of his YouTube friends and ask them to be part of a collaborative video that I would put together and send to him when he reaches 10k. I thought that I may tell my feelings for him after he watches the video, but again I just don’t know.

Any relationship gurus out there feel like trying to crack this puzzle?

Rain said 9 years ago:

It’s not always clear if someone is into you or not. Everyone here could start giving their opinion, but none of us can know for sure. On youtube, people who upload things eventually become friends with other people who do that and then they often collab in videos so their viewers would go follow each other. He might just be friendly to you, because he might be just that, a friend. If you’re into him, it can be a good idea to just admit your feelings towards him. Guys often appreciate it when a girl is being confident and takes that first step. You could bring it up slowly and see what his thoughts are or you could bring it up sneakily with comments like “someone said we’d be a cute couple” or you could also sneakily bring it up when you ask each other random questions and you just blend it in somewhere. I think your idea about that video is a good idea and it sure shows confidence. It’s up to you what you find the most comfortable way.

mullofkintyre said 9 years ago:

I’d appreciate other’s opinions since i’m more emotionally involved and may not see the full picture. I’m a YouTuber also and yeah his YouTube friends all collab with one another and I tag them in videos to make, but they are all really good friends, he’s saving up money to go and meet them at a Gaming convention in Germany where most of them live. For now I may just sit back and try to subtly give hints and then after he sees the video i’ll probably tell him. I mean, I did say in a tag video that he was my YouTube crush and he seemed to like that. So I’m sure at this point he may know my feelings but eh, it’s still difficult to tell.

Rain said 9 years ago:

I know that you’re a YouTuber and I recall that video. It’s a good sign that he seems to like that he’s your YouTube crush. Maybe you could see who his YouTube crush is? It might as well be you.

mullofkintyre said 9 years ago:

Aw you do? That’s very nice :) hmm the only way I could see who his YouTube crush is is if I ask him or if somebody else asks him. I’ll keep it in mind. He may just be really shy about expressing interest in somebody, I have no idea. There’s this weird air around us whenever we talk, but not really in a negative way.

Rain said 9 years ago:

Yeah I do, your videos are interesting :) It would be interesting if you could get someone to tag him so he’d make a video like that. It could be that he’s shy. Expressing feelings definitely isn’t easy to do, lots of people struggle with it. It could be that you’re both into each other and that you’re both too shy. It’s positive that he’s being kind to you and that he invests time in you.

mullofkintyre said 9 years ago:

Oh thank you so much! I should have tagged him in it…missed my chance there. I think it’s positive as well! He asks me for help with his YouTube quite a bit and all of his friends really like me so I think that’s a huge positive. I’m much more used to guys being straight forward with their feelings right off the bat, so this is very different to interpret his feelings. The last thing I want to do is make him uncomfortable with my advances so I’m subtle with them but I make sure to try and flirt a bit so i’m not sending mixed signals. Thank you for taking the time to help me! I’ll have to see how things play out.

Vaib said 9 years ago:

Well it seems you are having a good sweet bitter phase in love. Well, I thought maybe I should add something from a guy’s point of view.

I personally had missed one opportunity to loose a wonderful person to be with, just because I could not tell my feelings at right time and place. And later, I came to know if I had tried, I would have been lucky too. The risk of rejection is always less than the long lasting regret of not trying. I understand it’s tough but remember your love is worth trying everything. Just let it be, and remember love doesn’t hold of stop anybody back. A real and true love always create a better and beautiful future.

I hope you you agree with me.

So Lindsay, this time ‘Do the Dew’ or simply ‘Just Do it’

mullofkintyre said 9 years ago:

Valib! Nice seeing you in the forums, my friend :) haha yes, “do the dew”. I might as well tell him sometime soon as you said

mullofkintyre said 9 years ago:

Well after talking with him all day yesterday I think he may be very friendly towards me and may like me but not in the same way that I like him. We both mentioned visiting each other and he said that I should go visit him at the same time one of his guy friends does, and when I brought up the subject of long distance relationships just in general (the conversation seemed to go that way anyways so I figured I had to get a sense of what his views on them were) he seemed to give okay answers but didn’t delve too much into it or anything like that. I’m gonna try backing off from flirting and such things for a bit to see how receptive he is to it.

This is so confusing because he really seemed to give off vibes that he was into me. It’s all so up in the air at this point.

Rain said 9 years ago:

It is positive that you two have a friendly contact. It can be hard to tell if he feels the same or not, but time will tell. If it’s just a friendship, then at least you’ll have a good friend and that’s something too. I hope things get a bit more clear in the future though. Backing off a bit sounds like a good idea. There’s always a chance he’ll take a step.