Michele said 11 years ago:

I am going through a marriage break-up. 9 weeks ago I learned that my husband was no longer in love with me and wanted a new life.

I was blindsided and have barely been able function since then. He seems happy and is just merrily going on with his new life and talking about dating and….I still back at what the heck just happened and trying not to burst into tears when I walk in and see his empty chair.

Will he and I ever get to a point where we can be friends? Is it possible to go from an being spouses to be being just friends?

Deleted User said 11 years ago:

I am so sorry to hear about your breakup.

Its upto you.

Being distant all of a sudden will add too much pressure on the mind.

Yet being close hearing how his life is great is gonna put you into another pit of depression.

Stay in touch just maintain minimum distance, you need to move on too.

Right now I would suggest to give away his things ,let someone give away for you if its too much pressure.

The more you see these things the more he will wonder your mind.

Also feeling lonely is normal at this stage, even though you are not.

Try to distract yourself as much as you can.

Pm me if you want to vent more.

Michele said 11 years ago:

You are so right. I had him come get the furniture. I did away with all the nic nacs in the house that would remind me of him. All wall hangings that reminded me of him are gone. I’m getting a new couch today. It was nice walking downstairs and not seeing his empty chair.

It’s a start to getting…I hate to use the term over it…it’s a start to getting on with it. On with my new life.