Angel said 10 years, 4 months ago:

Ive been bulimic for like 3 yrs, i think. I cant help it, I feel awful if I dont get to do it. Its like… a necessity.

Astacia said 10 years, 4 months ago:

But you’re so beautiful! I’ve just recently overcame the same disorder. Even after months though I still do it sometimes. I know that it’s hard but I’ve turned to fitness to help myself. Getting myself to do that was SUCH a challenge. But I know taking the healthy route is much better for myself. Zumba is a good place to start, it’s fun and good exercise!

MisguidedGhost said 10 years, 4 months ago:

I agree with Astacia, fitness is a great alternative. I’m a recovering bulimic and when I feel a binge coming on, I grab a light snack (like a granola bar or an apple) and a bottle of water and go for a walk. It’s helped a lot with controlling my binges because it gets me away from the food and gets me focused on another task. When I come back from my walk if I still feel like bingeing, I’ll turn to another piece of fruit and bottle of water, go outside to eat it then work out a bit in my backyard. The adrenaline that comes with working out helps a lot, too. Hope this helps!

Deleted User said 10 years, 4 months ago:

What helped me, and still help me to this day as I am a recovering bulimic is to be strong, and try to unravel why I started in the first place. I needed a lot of help, but finally I got to the root of the problem and started handling it. It takes time, and it’s hard to let go. It’s hard to realise why, but it’s possible. Stay strong lovely!