MissCricket said 10 years, 11 months ago:

I used to be this great big health food nut when I was younger. After a rough few years, I gained a large amount of weight and tried to lose it but to no avail. I have a big problem with stress eating and overeating. I eat when I’m happy, sad, angry, etc.

My dad recently suffered a heart attack and has been on a new diet and his health has significantly improved. I’m happy for my dad but I feel sad because I want to be motivated to lose weight and improve my health but there’s not inspiration, not even with my dad.

At this point, I just eat a package of cookies and not look at the calorie content. I feel too sad to care. I feel like a failure and can’t lose weight.

JoeVI said 10 years, 11 months ago:

Well you need to 1) Find motivation or 2) Visit a therapist, because emotional eating can be a sign of an emotional problem. Think back to how you and your family felt when your dad had a heart attack. Do you really want to put your friends and family through that? Also how about children? Large amounts of weight are known to hamper a person’s ability to bear children. Will power is all it takes. I know that that last statement just makes it all sound so simple, but it is not so you need to really focus on losing weight is you to lose weight.

MissCricket said 10 years, 11 months ago:

I don’t have too much motivation at the moment nor an actual therapist.

Deleted User said 10 years, 11 months ago:

Just posting here is a beginning of caring for yourself. Now can you gently take a step further? No pressure, just a suggestion.

Next time you find yourself starting to eat something you know is not good for you, can you go to why you want to eat that? How are you feeling?

You are worth it!

I know. It is harder to look at our pain.

I have a similar problem.