Sabrina said 11 years, 1 month ago:

I’ve been diagnosed with depression, servere anorexia, and suvere bulimia. i was doing so well for the past 5 months after getting out of the hospital from it, and now im going down hill again because a kid at my school has been making fun of me. i dont know how to cope, all i can think of is this problem would be solved if i loose weight again. im honestly scared to relapse, because if i do, i have to go back inpatient at the eating disorder unit. any suggestions?

Nadssxo said 11 years, 1 month ago:

First of all, I want to emphasize on how loosing weight is NOT the answer. If the solution to every problem was losing weight, then honestly there would be nothing left of us and we’d be dead before our time.
Anyway, its so great to hear that you did so well! Thats wonderful, honestly! Whatever that kid said is just NOT worth going downhill again. That kid is probably someone that you dont even know well, and are not friends with, just a classmate that you wont see in a year? maybe two? or even a couple of years? so its just not worth it(i hope you see my point). A couple of words shouldnt make you feel like relapsing, try and let them make you stronger, use them to make you push even further and overcome your eating disorder. Honestly, if you want to live a happy and good life, an eating disorder like bulimia and anorexia can completely destroy and banish these things for you. So keep pushing and be strong! you’re honestly so strong to have come this far! So congratulations! And you can do this! Whatever people say, they’re just trying to bring you down. They’re probably not as strong as you are, and they’re just trying to make themselves feel ‘superior’. Show them that you’re not vulnerable, but strong!

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

There are people that are bullies out there. They are everywhere. They look for people that have stress and pick on them. It somehow makes them feel better about themselves. They probably come from an emotionally or physically abusive home. You losing weight will not cause this person to stop being a bully. If they weren’t bullying you it would be someone else. You are obviously a very sensitive person and problems around you cause you to take the stress inside you. As you get older you can develop a thicker skin and learn to protect yourself from these kinds of people. There are many books, articles on this. Perhaps search the internet for help with bullying. In the meantime focus back on yourself and progress you are making. Who cares about this other ignorant person. Talk with others, read some books, and try to not take others negativity to heart. There are people who are negative and just bring everyone around them down the whole day long. Your not the only person I’m sure that this kids brings down.