(◣_◢)Poet said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Please share more pictures. Have any of nature? or strangers?

BlahSupport said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Aw, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it as an insult. :(

I also didn’t technically say it… it was just a joke.

rayman1030 said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Hey, I’ve actually always wanted to know what filter/effect/process people use to give pictures that sort of “bleached” or slightly “dyed” look.

I have some friends who make awesome pictures that way.

Keep up the good work!

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Well for one, it was just a joke, we joke around with each other quite a lot, and sometimes we get too comfortable and as it turns out, someone can’t take a joke as well as we can, it’s not a bad thing or anything, it’s just we get complacent, so sorry if we offended you in that way, your photos really do look good, very professional looking, if you have photos of nature or anything that would be cool to see, like thunderstorms or tornadoes…I think poet was kind of right..TOO much dude lol…oh and memes are funny, they’re hilarious, at least to me they are lol

rayman1030 said 11 years, 1 month ago:

I hope this isn’t rude but your roommate looks like that girl from “It’s Kind of a Funny Story”

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Two cents: Sigh. I don’t think it’s that she can’t take a joke “as well as [you] can”… I can understand her point. I haven’t studied a specific course or done any freelance work but I did a fair amount of research into photography in my final year at University and came across a lot of professionals who get this a lot, I think I’d be a little peeved myself if I’d put work into something only for it to be mocked. Anyway, memes are memes. Some are funny, some aren’t.

Now back to photography! Have you got a flickr/other site or something with more of your work? It’d be lovely to see! Love reading people’s writing here so it’s really refreshing to see someone who’s a photographer :)

Lydia said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Haha well it’s not a big deal. I’m nice to you if you’re nice to me. And I know they meant it as a joke, but I don’t find putting people down in any way is funny, even if you mean no harm. I think there’s so much more to laugh at than making fun of people. I can’t take a joke? Learn how to tell one.

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Exactamondo ^_^

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Nobody was putting you down at ALL, you obviously know you are talented in what you do, OBVIOUSLY, so why get offended? I mean it is what it is…we just wont make those kinds of jokes or post memes toward you or anything, want to make everyone feel comfortable! Your photos really are good though, most definitely talented.

Lydia said 11 years, 1 month ago:

I could go back and forth with reasons why I think things like that shouldn’t be said in situations like this, but that won’t do anything because it’s all just based on opinions. I’ve shared mine, y’all have shared yours, and there’s no reason to continue any conversation about this. Differences aside, everyone’s cool with eachother, we’ll leave it at that.
Thanks @Rexual and @Mysterium and @Rayman1030. (:

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

“but if you need some kind of proof that this is my boyfriend and I took these pictures”

No, we really don’t need any proof. We believe you.

Lydia said 11 years, 1 month ago:

Well good! It’s just, there’s always those people who want to question you hah. At least for me.

Deleted User said 11 years, 1 month ago:

People question whether or not you’re lying about having a boyfriend? :/

Lydia said 11 years, 1 month ago:

@goodnitegracie Well I do have a pretty extraordinary life. I’m doing a lot with it, I’m attractive and young, so is my boyfriend. I’ve had a lot of people from all over question whether or not I’m telling the truth.