Swifting said 11 years ago:

What is your favorite Classic Novel?

For me it is hands down Wurthering Heights.

Swifting said 11 years ago:

Boy do I feel alone.

(◣_◢)Poet said 11 years ago:

I didn’t see the topic, lol. @Swifting. That’s tough… i have to go with “Letters to a Young Poet.” Yes its a collection of letters, but still probably my favorite thing to read.

Love-and-be-loved said 11 years ago:

Gulliver’s travels i hated the movie though they made it to modern. and i also liked war of the worlds i liked the movie too but i likes the books better

Deleted User said 11 years ago:

“Pride and Prejudice” has had a huge impact in my life. It’s pretty much the only perfect novel I’ve ever read.

Deleted User said 10 years, 12 months ago:

if Salinger is considered a classic, then “The Catcher in the Rye” is my favorite…

Deleted User said 10 years, 12 months ago:

The Creature From Jeckyll Island

Deleted User said 10 years, 12 months ago:

To Kill a Mockingbird. My favorite book, and a classic.

Just Keep Going said 10 years, 12 months ago:

Pride and Prejudice. My favorite book ever!

Maryaha said 10 years, 11 months ago:

My favorite has to be Jane Eyre by Charlote Bronte. <3

Deleted User said 10 years, 11 months ago:

wunderkind by nikolai grozni is fun!!

Swifting said 10 years, 11 months ago:

These are some great favorites.

Completely Unsatisfied Optimist said 10 years, 11 months ago:

Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller or Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Been meaning to read Tess of theDubervilles, anyone read that one?

blackdog said 10 years, 11 months ago:

There are so many to choose from. Anything by Burroughs, Doyle, or Jules Verne though I haven’t read much of him. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the Arabian Nights, King Solomon’s Mines and so many others. I was introduced to classics through abridged and comic versions at a young age and quickly moved on to the real thing.

braveheartamy said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Jane Eyre. It is my absolute favorite book since I feel like I can identify with her.