safe&sound said 10 years, 5 months ago:

What are you grateful for today?

Today, I am grateful for life, a chance of being better, family, friends & blahtherapy!

(◣_◢)Poet said 10 years, 5 months ago:

today i am grateful for my aunts, my job (even if i don’t like it alot, at least it allows me to save $ towards my goals), i’m grateful for memories that remind me of the ways i can grow from here on, grateful for people with big hearts, and i’m grateful for the sun because its too damn cold in this house so i need to go outside for warmth, lol.

(◣_◢)Poet said 10 years, 5 months ago:

*slides back in* I’m grateful for music and mary jane; especially tahoe and single white (aka hi power)

Angel said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Today, I’m grateful to have my class schedule in order and my classes paid for. I’m grateful for the cereal I’m eating, and the TV show I’m watching that makes me laugh. And I’m grateful for all the wonderful people here on Blahtherapy ^^ I could keep going but I think I’ll stop there for now. haha.

Deleted User said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Today I am grateful for the fact that I don’t have to go to school (because it got canceled). I am also grateful for the fact that I had my work done yesterday, so now I have a free day – or two, most likely; seeing how tomorrow’s supposed to be even worse – to just kind of unwind, blahblahblah!

I’m also grateful for the fact that perhaps my confidence is surging back because of the extra time to reflect on the issue I’m facing.

Indeed, I haven’t felt the need to TRY to do something about it for over two weeks (because of winter break), but I know when I come back from break, I’ll have to at the very least TRY.

safe&sound said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Today I am grateful for the phone call I just got regarding a job interview. I havent done the interview as yet, but I am very grateful for the call.

Angel said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Today I’m grateful for music that inspires me and gives me hope. ^^

safe&sound said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Today I am grateful for holding on

Angel said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Today I’m also grateful for holding on.

Deleted User said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Today, I too am grateful for holding on.

I am also grateful for the fact that there are people in this world that are good at heart.

Deleted User said 10 years, 5 months ago:

today i am so grateful for being able to see the man i love the moment i opened up my eyes..

Pancake said 10 years, 5 months ago:

This site, wifi and YouTube

Angel said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Today I’m grateful for this happy mood I’m in. It may not last, but I’m glad to have it now. ^^

Ansley said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Today I am grateful for another day to be alive. I am grateful that I’m stronger than I was yesterday and that I will continue to grow from here. I am grateful for so, so many blessings that I definitely do not deserve.

Angel said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Today I’m grateful for my medication. It’s made life a bit more manageable. (: