writers block!!Help!


I have to write this 7 page paper on legalizing marijuana. It is such a huge topic that I don’t even know where to begin. I kind of have an outline of what I would like it to look like but I can’t seem to start it.. My introduction is holding me back.. If you have any ideas, let me know please. Anything is better then what I have said hahah!!:)

asked April 23, 2015

4 Answers

Starting essays is so frustrating for me. Just skip the introduction I'd say. Dive straight into the argument and later on once the essay is taking shape the introduction will be easy. Or if you're set on doing the intro first just let yourself do a really bad job of it then fix it up later, rather than trying to get it perfect when you dont have the rest of the essay to work from. These things usually help me. All the best
Is your entire paper about how legalization can benefit autistic people? Or is that just one of your points? Well your intro should just summarize your main points. If it were me, and I have done this exact topic before a few times, and even been paid for it a couple of those times, I would come up with like 5-6 main points that make up the body, then write those out. The thing about austism would make a good point for your body, it's a good start, but I wouldn't use that for your intro.Your intro and conclusion really should be the last things you write, as they just summarize your entire essay."Marijuana is highly controversial and there are very divided opinions on its usage." is a good statement to put somewhere in your intro. Don't focus on the intro or conclusion till the rest of it is done, otherwise you'll be stuck on it, because it's always gonna keep changing.
Let me hear the introduction and I could help you through it , at the moment I'm writing a 7 page paper on the Berlin wall.
Here is what I have so far..Imagine having a eight year old son; you and him are in the store together. You have lost track of him and you hear another kid scream from a couple isles over, you find out that your son had punched this little blonde girl in the eye for no reason. You look at the upset mom and for the third time this month you have to explain to someone that your son has Autism; and that he doesn't mean to do it, and that he can't help it. Knocking things down and acting reckless are daily actions of a eight year old child diagnosed with Autism. Many parents have begin to loose hope, they have tried countless types of treatments that never seemed to help. Finally as a last resort, they decided to begin treating their child with medical marijuana. Marijuana is highly controversial and there are very divided opinions on its usage. A big view on the drug comes from a medical stand point, another is from the president. It can also be seen in both positive and negative ways of the citizens, it can be shown throughout history, and lastly it not only helps children but it helps the economy.