Worst Day Of My Life


I attend a Catholic school in Australia at the moment and honestly it’s so awful. Especially lately. I had a panic attack after this… I guess it was a flashback or something once. I was honestly so messed up and I was crying and screaming and it was horrible. They told my friend to go away and made me sit alone in a room and yelled at me and then made me go home.
And also they pull me out of classes for tiny holes in my stockings or wearing long sleeves. Today was the worst though.
So the morning wasn’t great. I hadn’t slept well and was running totally off of energy drink. I got to school. And my Pals teacher greeted me by telling me my hair was inappropriate (even though it’s allowed) and that the two holes in my stockings were unacceptable. I went to class though. Worth 30% of my grade.
They took me out anyway and now I’m failing Indonesian. And I had to sit in the office all morning while they yelled at me and called me stupid, blatant and inconsiderate.
Well I went to my second period (science). I was so pissed off though. I was honestly so frustrated that they put something as stupid as image over my education. And it wasn’t the first time either. I was just so over it.
I got into class and this kid in my class has this fucked up obsession with me. He always calls out my name and says he loves me. I just lost it. I walked to the back of the classroom and sat there alone trying SO hard not to cry.
But we got put into groups and sent to our prac tables. I was shaking and dizzy, I needed to leave. So I ran out of the classroom and sat outside. And I started being not able to breathe, I was so dizzy and crying so much by that point. I started getting up and then I fell and I think I blacked out for a moment.
I could hear that same kid talking about me all whiny asking where I was inside and I just couldn’t handle it. I was just done.
I just walked over to the toilets and locked myself in a cubicle and started crying. I was still shaking so bad. And I kept on thinking the worst things. Every bad thing was just attacking me.
I felt bad because I am messing up my friend’s life. Fucking blacked out memories of when my dad used to fuck around with me as a little kid. Horrible and pathetic because I hate the idea of anxiety.
And I just fucking wanted to die. I didn’t have any pills. Or else I would have taken them. I had blades but it was freezing and I didn’t have the energy either. I was walking back up to the office because they said I had to go back and it was the last period before lunch. It was like I was in a dream. I couldn’t walk right and I was dizzy and I couldn’t get a word out of my mouth.
They yelled at me some more and then I wasn’t allowed lunch. I missed half of English cause they called me up again. And then I had to borrow money for the bus off a friend because otherwise the bus driver would have kicked me off the bus.
Turns out they already called my mum and all she said to me is that I’m being rude and if I just followed the rules this wouldn’t happen. I don’t know what to do. I’m just so over it and I just… don’t know what to do.

Category: asked July 28, 2014

2 Answers

You really need to see a psychologist or a doctor, or a counselor outside of school. You might also sit down and talk to your mom about your panic attacks.That school sounds god awful, you need to talk to your mom about transferring AND about those horrible panic attacks. That is so not a good school and you should NEVER have to go back.These flashbacks sound horrible, and I promise you, you are not ruining your friends life. You just have to get out of there. And get help for those panic attacks. You can't have them ruin your life.And don't cut yourself, it's not healthy and I am pretty sure that they won't help with your attacks. If you don't have the pills, than take deep calming breaths, and try and think about snow. It's something that I think about that just calms me down.
No offence but the staff at your school sound awful and rude. They have no idea what you're going through (I got into trouble at my school for wearing shoe laces that weren't black. SHOE LACES).

Have you told your mother about your panic attacks? If you don't feel comfortable talking to your mother, is there anyone else you can talk to? A close friend or kind relative, perhaps? I was going to suggest that you should talk to your school counselor, but that sounds like an awful idea after reading the way your school is treating you. You should also get help from a counselor (outside of your school) regarding your panic attacks.