Why should I keep struggling?


I have had what some would consider a hard childhood. It’s an ongoing struggle to move past the past. It’s so much easier to just stay comfortable – to lie down and not get up each day – to not go outside – and to isolate myself. I remember horrific things and I’ve been getting better at not freaking out when I recover new memories.
I have no idea when I’ll be able to remember everything in my past without trouble – and I don’t know if it’s necessary. Every day the energy I have to put into just surviving and functioning with all that junk – it seems like it gets to the point where I spend more time dealing with it each month. I have no idea why I get up each morning – or why I stay in this mobile home I bought. I don’t know why I don’t just leave it all behind and drift.
So – why should I keep struggling?

Category: Tags: asked July 1, 2014

2 Answers

You should keep struggling because you don't want to give up. The fact that you're here asking advice, hoping someone will make your life better shows that you aren't ready to succumb--not just yet. But you have to know that a quick message from a stranger isn't going to solve all your problems. I would suggest getting out of the house. Not going anywhere crowded, just spend time alone outside your house. You may not feel hungry or thirsty or dirty, but keeping up simple tasks like eating and showering can go a long way. First, deal with the small things and work your way up to the bigger ones like human interaction.
Sometimes, it helps to hear our words from someone else's lips: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cf8kz673J98&feature=kp