Why is it so hard….


…for family to accept you no matter what?
My family believes that I’m just some nieve 18 year old that doesn’t know what they want in life…they say I have a long road ahead of me and I can’t be deciding now who I really am.

Let me explain:
I recently came out to my family that I am a genderfluid female that prefers male pronouns. My real name is Hannah, but I’d rather be named Oliver. I’m pansexual (they already knew this) and I have a female preference. I decided to finally tell my entire family who I am after struggling with it for so long…and what was the result?
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You need to get a life.”
“This is just because your father was never in your life.”
“You need to stop pretending you’re something that you’re not…you’re Hannah, not Oliver. You never will be Oliver.”

Most of these came from the mouth of my very own grandmother. And I’ve been dealing with this being said to me for weeks now. It makes me regret ever coming out, and makes me feel horrible. It was so bad, my mom and I weren’t even invited to the Easter party they hold every year. I only had one person back me up, and that’s the aunt that’s been out of my life for 17 years. She just recently came back due to drama of my father going to jail. But she’s the only person other than my boyfriend supports me….

How do I either get over it…or make them accept me?

asked April 15, 2015

2 Answers

Coming out can be a big thing. Some people most likely wont except it and others are okay with it. Your grandmother , I'm sure she is old fashioned and in their generation being with the same sex or other situations was a big no no . If you were a woman you acted like one and vies versa. If she doesn't except you , you can't force someone to do something like that , all you can do is really just try to except and go on.
I am sorry that they don't accept who you are, but I don't think they will change their minds. Some people are just narrow minded. Try to move on from this and join groups of people who are more accepting of your gender identity, there are lots of communities of people out there that would be happy to support you I'm sure.