Why is it important to have Faith?


I was just wondering what everyone else’s views on having faith were?
Having faith is important for me because I know that without it I wouldn’t believe that things could get better, or that things will work out okay. Faith and Hope go hand in hand, I think.
What are your thoughts?

asked January 24, 2015

7 Answers

I'd also say that faith and hope go hand in hand. It would be sad if people wouldn't have a single spark of hope. Everything would be completely dark. Hope and faith are important. They add a meaning to life.
I understand why people might need to use faith as a motivation and as a source of hope but I think that if there is only that, it is quite selfish. If you believe in God (I guess we're talking about the religious faith here) because you want to believe He will help you go through hard times and will give you a better place to stay after death, it is as selfish as having a friend only because they can help you get a good job and listen to you when you're down.I don't mean to say that you can't love someone because they help you in your life, just like I am not saying that you can't have Faith because it helps you in your quest, but I think it is important to have a friend because they are a good person, because you believe in what they can achieve and want to stand by them as they try to achieve it, because they are beautiful souls and, therefore, you want to help them in their life too because they deserve it. I think it is important to have Faith because one believes in the words they hear, because they believe it is the right way of acting and taking life and therefore want to spread the word and making other people see these values in order to help them find their way and in order to make things better around them by using values they respect.We should not thank God for the bread he put on the table, we should respect him because he showed us that, by making efforts and living up to his principles, we will be able to earn that bread and to put it on the table ourselves, and once we do, we should try to show other people how we did it so they can have their piece a bread too.
I think people of faith, are like the Ostrich that sticks it's head in a hole when dangers abound. It's easy pickings, and makes for a good laugh.My 2 cents :D
Okay well, um, the faith i know is: "have faith" which basically means "you have to hope that things will get better" and gas absolutly nothing with god to do. so im confused. why would it be a bad thing to believe that things can get better?
It's not a bad thing to believe that things well get better. Like is a road with hills and valley. The important thing is that when you are in a valley you evaluate what, if any, of your actions got you there. Then you may avoid that particular next valley.
Faith is important because it gives you a goal. If you didn't have faith and you we're still going forward, whats the point? Faith is important, if it's a faith in God, that is your own choice and no one should condemn you for what gets you through life. With out the belief in God or faith, a lot of people would crumble... theres something comforting about the fact that theres someone bigger than your problems. That someone see's your life from the beginning to the end, see's what you're going through, and that you have a purpose. He is there whenever you need to shout out to the world what you can't say to anyone else, because he already knows. All knowing, theres are no secrets you can say that would shock him. I think Faith is important, whether religious or just faith in yourself, to keep moving forward.
" Faith is a hope for things not seen, but which are true. " it is having confidence in something or someone. I always felt that faith was an action word. Having faith means that even though it's hard or scary or unknown you move forward and do what you have to with the hope that it will turn out okay. I think faith (in anything be it God or man or yourself) gives purpose and direction.