Why is he acting like this?


So my best guy friend has recently got in to an unofficial relationship… I mean of course I’m happy for him considering the last person he liked before this chick was me but every time I’m around him and her she gives me a look that says, “why is this chick her no one likes her” and now he’s becoming more distant than we have ever been before, the only time he seems to talk to me is whenever none of his other good friends are around. Is it because of her?

Category: Tags: asked December 16, 2013

4 Answers

She probably feels threatened because of the fact that he had feelings for you before and that now that he is with her, she feels that he'd come back to you. He probably is only becoming distant because of her. Try talking to him and ask him what is going on and that if you guys are truly good friends, why is he going to treat you like that. Because if he keeps this up, it basically shows that he'd rather choose the girl over you.
Probably, people can be douche bags like that though.
She may feel intimidated because you're his bestfriend, he may have liked her for a while and doesn't want what happened with you (turning him down?). She may have asked him too back away from you, which isn't right, you two have been friends for a while and you can't let a crush break you guys away, talk to him about it.
I don't think he's being a douche bag at all. Sometimes people move on. If I'm friends with a girl I used to like and another girl I'm interested in is interested in me I'd move along as well. He's probably connected with this new girl and feels more comfortable with her.