Why does nobody like me?


I really like this one dude and i was planning on telling him i like him and all, but that afternoon he got a girlfriend. This little brat who doesn’t deserve him and treats him SO badly. So Wednesday my friend was texting him and he said in these exact words: Look I’m not trying to be mean but i don’t like her like that and i never will. It shattered my heart and i started breaking down crying. My friend tried to do everything she could to make me stop but couldn’t. My friends have been asking him why he doesn’t like me but he just ignores them. My friend said hes probably trying to hide the fact he likes you and i said he cant say those words and not mean them. i walked away and at lunch he saw me crying and i looked at him and looked away my friend said his face got really red because he knew why I was crying and so far my life hasn’t been great.

Category: asked March 7, 2014

6 Answers

A good amount of time crushes are not mutual, appropriately named in some cases. I know it hurts when people say they don't feel the same, been there enough times myself. He may like you, he may not, I know it feels like the end of the world but maybe it's best you carry on with your school work, the best way I found to deal it these types of situations is to carry on with my life, if he doesn't come around you'll meet someone in the future.
dont you worry child, heaven's got a plan for you. there will be other boys. dont let it worry you. you will be over it before you know it.
To be honest I really think having your friends to subconsciously tell him that you're interested or them doing whatever they can to get him to realize that you like him/bothering him (those little hints and questions) probably scared him away. I mean if I were in the situation and I had some random girl's friends attack me with all these questions and be all up in my business, I'd suspect the worst. Whichever, I'm not saying what happened was necessarily all your fault, I mean you had a crush on him and it's normal to feel upset because he got a girlfriend, but maybe it just wasn't meant to be. And if anything, there are so many better guys you can meet and those who deserve you and will treat you right. It will take a while to move on but you can do it.
Maybe to him you're more of a friend. I'm sure you have guy friends who as close as you are you'd never dream of dating them. Don't worry about it. He is one out of many. A drop in the ocean. There will be plenty others who will like you in the future :)
Gah that sucks. As others said, alot of the times, crushes might not be mutual. If he said all that, don't let it get to you. There's no point wasting time over him hun, I say, move on. There are plenty of other guys and just because he doesn't like you back doesn't mean noone likes you. Think of it this way. You're having a crush on someone and some other guy asks you out. If you don't like the guy that way, you'd prolly say no right? Dont worry, you'll be fine! :]
Hes just not interested. As you go through life you'll meet plenty of guys, who prefer certain things over others. Some guys like bimbos, not quality girls. A guy would prefer an ugly chick with a nice body, rather than a beautiful girl whos bigger. He'd rather have a time with some slutty girl, rather than, a smart girl worth keeping. I dont know what the deal is, with sending your friends to talk to him, but GUYS DONT LIKE THAT. They like a girl that carries herself with confidence. So whatever your underlying issue is... dont be like those other girls (slutty)..stay true to you, even if you feel like your not getting what you want. That being the guy you like, or a job whatever. Just be you..and say SCREW IT-HIS LOSS!