Why does he do this?


Me& this guy are really good friends when we’re texting or on the phone, but while we’re at school he’s always mean to me with or without his friends! He always texts me to apologise but he does the same thing the next day, help!!

Category: Tags: asked September 17, 2013

5 Answers

Hm, I really can't tell you why he acts that way, I think no one but him can. I think, if you can find the courage, you should ask him why he treats you that way in school.Tell him it makes you feel bad, really. Maybe he's trying to look cool, I don't really understand his behaviour, but if he treats you like that at school it's not okay and you should really talk to him about why he does it.
There's no "he's just a guy/that's what boys do" excuse- if he is treating you badly and making you feel bad, he doesn't deserve to be your friend any more
he is a guy....he is probably doing the same thing at the same time to other girls......why? because thats what guys do.....and if you think your guy is different then the only other answer i have is it could be he is not proud to know you......be strong enough to let go and patient enough to wait for what you deserve, and you deserve better.
Best to ask. Some guys act mean when he likes you but doesn't know what to do. But it is hard to tell until you confront him (nicely).
I know it may be hard, but its best to confront him. I feel that the 'Because he is a guy' excuse is way overdone and it's not right. If someone isn't treating you nicely, that is unacceptable. I would approach him while he isn't around his friends and kindly ask him why he does this. Tell him how it truly makes you feel. if he likes you, he will stop. If he doesnt, well then you need to decide if he is someone you want to have in your life.