why do you think an ex tries to remain in contact everyday?


What do u think it means if a ex bf tries to remain in contact everyday? I broke up with him 5 months ago and after not speaking for months we started talking again recently. He initiated wanting to txt. We text everyday & I see no point in it honestly. Even if I don’t reply, he’ll text. If I give one word responses he writes back. LIKE WHYYY? I don’t want to ignore him, that’s out, until I know his real intentions. Is he using me as an option even though I ended things? Thanks in advance :)

Category: Tags: asked January 13, 2015

3 Answers

An awful lot of people are perfectly capable of staying friends after being in a relationship.
He probably wants to be friends still. There are 2 possible answers why he still texts. 1.) He can't let go yet. You may have moved on, but consider how he's feeling. He may not have the heart to let go, and still wants to hear from you everyday. 2.) He maybe did move on. But that won't stop him from becoming good friends again. Doesn't necessarily means he might be still in love with you. But he may miss the friendship you guys had.
To be honest, if he's not flirting, or trying to attempt to work things out, he's just making sure you're still talking to him, sometimes people get the satisfaction of their ex's talking to them, because if you're replying they know you aren't seeing anyone else, because if you were, your attention would be 100% on the other person and wanting to move forward, so it's his little selfish way of knowing you're still paying him attention, even if it's via text.