Why do people seem to create unrealistic views of themselves, their actions, and their interactions with others?


Is it lying to yourself to make you feel better or is it just genuinely not seeing it? Do they see it but just don’t admit it when confronted due to pride or something? So many people do this; I was wondering if this is normal and why? To me, it doesn’t seem beneficial because it keeps the person from growing, but nearly everyone I’ve met does this to some extent. And they are almost always adults. For example, my aunt swears she does everything she possibly can for those she can help, but a few days ago a family friend had her house foreclosed on and needed a place to stay. My aunt has 3 spare bedrooms and told her no because she didn’t want the stress of having someone else in her house while she was already stressed with going to school. Another example: a guy I know is 24 and lives with his mom; works from home. He talks like he stays there because he can’t afford his own place right now and he has so much to pay for yet he’s single, routinely buys things like body kits for his car and bb guns and he makes 5$ more than me and I lived comfortabley enough in my apartment and it wasn’t exactly the cheapest place around. My mom does the same thing in regards to money and she justifies talking down to other people like there’s not a thing wrong with it.. These types of things. Thanks for any input

asked March 28, 2013

2 Answers

maybe you dont know the whole story,...for example your aunt.....god knows i do what i can for other people but it would be too stressful for me to offer a spare room in my house....i did that once,..it took 3 years before they moved out,..i wont offer again to anyone because thoes three years stressed me to my breaking point..( that did not happen to me i was just making a point)..your aunt has to draw a line also, and that line needs to be respected....your male friend, his needs for comfort are more expensive than yours...but hey just because you know his spending habits does not mean you know what bills he has to pay. There are two types of honest people in the world, drunks and little kids, people dont always tell the whole truth. Maybe you should worry more about yourself and not do much aboutothers.
It s sort of hard to say these things directly to people because of what might be happening behind the scenes. Some people have different livelihoods to you and you questiong it. Not everyone is ever fully equal.