Why do i find sex so disgusting?


I haven’t told my boyfriend but i hate it so much. It makes me feel dirty, guilty used. I don’t know why, i just find every aspect of the carnal nature of the act repulsive. It makes me feel like that is all i am good for. I get so depressed about it. I can’t explain my feelings fully. But i do it for him. because i love him and i don’t want to lose him. But i am just getting more and more depressed.

Category: asked August 20, 2013

3 Answers

If you're honestly not enjoying it at all, you should really talk to your boyfriend about how you're feeling. If you feel like you'd lose him if you didn't have sex with him, then maybe it's not right and you're just not quite ready yet. You shouldn't be forcing yourself to do something you're not enjoying.
I know exactly what you mean. For me - I lost my virginity at a young age, and threw my body toward anyone who'd take it for a period of time. Whilst that can be a recipe for a fantastic sex-life, it wasn't for me at that time. I stopped associating sex with love, and when I got a long-term boyfriend, I would feel horrible after sex. Almost in a 'how could he do this to me'-way. Maybe it's the same for you - I don't know how sex has been for you before your boyfriend. It could also be worth considering if you really are truly in love with him. I've seen that it's easy for people to fool themselves into thinking so, and I know sex can decrease in fun a LOT when love starts to fade. Another option could be asexuality. It comes in many shapes and sizes - some people find sex absolutely repulsive and want nothing to do with it, whereas others don't mind sex, but just don't care to initiate it.Only you can really find the answer as to why sex makes you feel so uncomfortable. The most important thing to remember while figuring this out, is that it's okay. Whatever it is, it's fine. Do not ever beat yourself up over this. I know how easy it is to be hard on yourself on this subject, to a point of depression. But there's no reason to. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. And last, but not least, you should talk to your boyfriend about this. Tell him whatever you do know. If he were to leave you for that, he wouldn't be worth keeping to begin with.Best of luck. X!
i hear ya. i'm new here and this is to be my first shot. i'm a virgin and plans to remain that way for well, forever. all intimate physical acts do not appeal to me at all. i do read and watch explicit stuff though and i never get aroused. i've researched asexuality and well, i think it fits. i do experience aesthetic attractions and may have a couple fetishes (hand and hair) but i never get aroused at all.