Why can’t I sleep?


I lay in the bed, really sleepy and tired and then I just start thinking about everything. How can I change that?

Category: Tags: asked September 27, 2013

6 Answers

I do that a lot but then I started just focusing on breathing.. just breathing and not thinking.. and wiggle your toes
I hate it when that happens. you're tired, but can't sleep because your brain is on thinking overload. what I do to stop that, is essentially to breathe and relax first, then try to picture something relaxing in my head, like laying on a beach or whatever relaxes you. this is to get your mind off whatever you're thinking about and finally allow yourself to fall asleep. try it and see what happens.
Breathing deeply will help. Sometimes listening to certain sound will help to, like rain, nature, heartbeat etc. There should be apps out there that play those sounds. Another suggestion is maybe exercising a few hours before you head to bed in order to tire your body out.
It happens to me too :( for the past 3 hours all I did was stare at the ceiling thinking about all kinds of unnecessary stuff and I finally gave up and here I am......and looking out the window now it's almost morning :((( did I say almost? Nope it's already morning and wow i see my neighbour outside...jogging already. I wish I could just sleeeep.
Try to clear your mind as best as you can.. I know, impossible, right?!But just go slowly and really concentrate and try... Start with the top of your head and focus on relaxing just that part. Next, move to your forehead. Then your eyes, then your nose, then your ears, then your mouth, then your neck...continue all the way down your body and take your time. I usually am able to conk out when I reach my belly. I say a mantra in my head such as "relax" or "in-out" while concentrating on breath, in order to focus the mind. Light yoga before bed can really help you to relax and sleep too.
Thank you! You all helped me a lot, great advices :) thanks, really.