Why am I overthinking this?


Me and boyfriend have been together for a really long time. He’s only had one girlfriend before me and they only dated for 3 months, but I’m still in highschool with her and I constantly overthink they’re past relationship. I compare myself to her and wonder if he said the same things to her that he says to me, or if he still thinks about her. It’s all ridiculous, but I can’t help but compare myself to her. I’m not sure how to stop, but it’s killing me.

Category: Tags: asked January 30, 2014

2 Answers

I guess in my experience it's hard not to compare yourself to your significant other's ex's I did the same thing in my relationship with all of my ex girlfriend's past relationships but always felt like I was much better than them because I was with her and fact of the matter is they were not. There is a reason your guy is with you and not her, those thoughts will go away with time too.
We live in a world of "what ifs" its kinda human nature.. what if she kissed better than me, what if she did that better than me, what if he thinks she's prettier… As humans we always seem to compare ourselves to others, and its not always a good thing. You need to stop thinking bout her, think about you.. think about what you are good at and what you like about yourself. He is with you, not with her. Focus on the stuff thats positive and keep reminding yourself that those things are the best things.Sorry i babbled, my brain isn't really working in a concise manner today lol its annoying