which would you rather follow, your talents or your desires?


think about it for a minute

asked October 24, 2013

8 Answers

Desire. There is no better feeling in the world than to do the things that you like doing. Its liberating and gives you a peace of mind. Every person has many talents, but then those not necessarily are meant to bring you happiness. Desires are what your heart craves for. I would rather enjoy myself doing things that i like and that gives me satisfaction than things which involve my talents but have very little effect on the way i feel. Though there is no doubt that if your talents dwell in the things you desire, there is nothing like it. :)
It depends. I tend to prefer pursuing my talents to too large of an extent due to my own imperfections. I like being good at things. I like impressing myself and others. It makes me proud and is a big confidence boost. I get frustrated when things come to me slowly.

Sometimes you really have to work for your desires, but it can make you very happy. Natural talents, though, are very rare gifts. I know a desire can become a talent through hard work, but it's a shame to let a natural and unusually strong talent go to waste. It can be more about giving joy than receiving it. I think it's good to share them with the world, but you need to balance that with your own happiness and desires.
Desires. If you are talented at something you could love it at first, but you could hate it later on in life.
Desires. Following talents is all good and well and will probably mean that whichever field or activity you choose will yield more success because it's something you can do. But having a talent isn't the same thing as loving it. I'd rather do something that I enjoy because then I'd be more willing to work hard and do a good job and do things right - and I would actually be happy doing so. If my desires and my talents crossed paths then bonus, but if I had to choose between something I loved and something I was good at, I would choose something I loved. There's not much use doing something that you're good at if you don't enjoy it.
I sure hope i can accomplish both! Right now I hate my job, so i'm not following either, but I hope in the future to be able to :D
Desire, id rather do something I love doing :)
I say desires :) If I'm really motivated by what I'm doing, no matter how much I fail, I'll keep trying. And I'll develop skill.
Hopefully your desires would become your talents. If you happen to be good at something you aren't doing for a living then it might make a good hobby eh?