When you are the listener, who can you turn to if you need someone to listen.


I feel as though I am everyone’s sounding board. When I need someone to listen, I get told to get to the point or if its via telephone, it’s not uncommon for people to say they’ll call me back. Yet, People expect me to drop what I’m doing to be “all ears”.
I understand people have lives to live and it may not always be convenient to hear me out, but it has been wearing me down slowly. I feel isolated and stuck in my head. Any ideas?

Category: Tags: asked May 31, 2013

3 Answers

You should try telling these people what you feel. Make sure they know that when you call them, you need their help. Then, when they call you and expect you to listen, tell them that you're just as busy at that time as they were when you called seeking aid (providing you can't talk at that time).I understand that it's frustrating; it happens to me too. But if anything, be the better person. They don't do the right thing, but that doesn't mean you should stoop to their levels. Yes it makes you feel terrible that you give them what they want and they don't do the same in return, but ultimately it makes you a better person. Perhaps try finding someone who is willing to hear you out
I honestly just turn right back around and become a venter on this site. I think it's a lot easier to vent to someone anonymously as I am not close to many people in my life.
That sucks :( It's very important to have people who will listen to you too. It doesn't have to be the same ones, so you could possibly look for the listening type of people, but in friendships and family or couple relationships it's best to make ita give and take thing. I suggest you take a step back and notice how you make friends and what kind of people you're drawn to befriend - do you notice a pattern of making friends by listening to them vent and helping them out in one way or another? It might be a good idea to go out of your way (if necessary) to make friends coming from an equal position, because if this is not the case those people you befriend may indeed assume you'll always assume the role of a problem-free sounding board type of person in their lives, which is not realistic and it may be as bad for them as it is for you, even if they don't realize it. They get a sounding board, not the real you as friend. If this is not the case and the people you befriend are there to listen to others but not you, you might want to take that same step back and listen to yourself listening (what are you saying? Does it sound like you're there to listen and don't need or want anything in return?) and listen to yourself venting (could it be that, because you're such a great listener, when you get the rare chance to vent you go all the way out and spit it all out and maybe exaggerate?). I think asking yourself these question could begin to give you an idea of what you can change so you will have people to listen to you, too. Good luck!