when should I tell him I love him?


I know this is a bit cliche but when should I tell my boyfriend that I love him?

We’ve been dating just over an month now, and I know that it’s too early for me to tell him now. But every time I look at him, every time we spend time together, all I can think is, “God I love you.” I have to hold myself back from saying it though, cuz the saying the L word too early ultimately ruined my longest relationship, even though I did love the guy in the end.

I myself want to wait until we’ve been dating 2-3 months, but what scares me, is that his longest relationship was 3 months, whereas my longest was 9 months.

When should I tell him that I love him?

Category: Tags: asked July 11, 2014

3 Answers

My general rule is to wait 3 months then say it when it feels right, because saying it too soon doesn't usually work out. However, if you're that worried about a three-word sentence making or breaking a relationship, just talk to him about it. Communication always makes things end the best way for everyone involved.
Do it when you feel the time is right.... if he breaks up with you so be it, you can find another guy who deserves you..
I don't think there is any real rule. If you love him, you love him. I say, you should just observe his body language and how he acts when he's around you. Nervousness, short eye contact, plays with his hands or something alot. When you notice or think he feels the same way, go for it. But if you're really scared to do it, just wait until he tells you or wait about 3-5 months. (: