When does it get better?


I always feel so alone even when I’m with my family and friends. Nothing excites me anymore. I feel like I’m stuck in a giant rut and I can’t get out. Everyone says oh it gets better. My question is when does it get better? The only happiness I feel anymore is when I’m with my son. And even then I end up focusing on one terrible thing and it ruins everything I don’t know what to do anymore I hate feeling so alone. What can I do to make it get better?

Category: asked January 9, 2015

4 Answers

Maybe you feel like you're stuck in an endless circle in which you keep doing the same things. Which eventually led to making you feel this way. That could be one of the reasons. You could try to change something, to do something different that can give you a different set of interior for a while. Try out a new hobby, maybe even in a club. This could also give you a chance to connect with new people which might help you to get a bit excited about things again. It can be nice to do something different everyone once in a while. This way it's not always the same circle.
Try professional therapy. That is the first step to recovery. You need to have someone that you can consistently talk to that will help you get down to what is causing this issue. It could be stemming from something or could be chemical imbalances for no reason in your brain. See a therapist and see if they recommend a psychiatrist.
Everyone has that time in their life where they are stuck and lost just as you said. I think you are in a spiritual slump. You need some food for the spirit. I am Christian and I know how it feels to be alone, but I believe there is a God that is always there and I am never alone. This time will pass. I don't know when but God does. He is there for you. God bless
All of these people have wonderful words! Mine is....YOGA! Go to a yoga class it will change your mind set, as well as looking inward. Turn your negative thoughts into positive ones! Chin Up Buttercup!