Whats wrong with me?


The past few years Ive been doing less and less. Im talking to fewer people and my grades have significantly dropped. Every now and then Ill have a really bad day for no reason, Ill just be really upset and depressed. Even though my grades are terrible I have no motivation to do homework. Ive gotten no family members to turn to and I feel like talking to my friends wouldn’t help since they have their own problems. I often worry that Ill be a failure in life and at this rate I probably will be. I just wish I could make a change in my life but I never have any motivation to. It doesn’t help that I think I will die alone since I suck at being romantic or anything else a woman might want.

I tried getting into a hobby to get my mind off things so I got into long boarding. Ive been doing that for two years now but it doesn’t really help. I was wondering if my diet would affect my mood at all, because I don’t exactly eat well balanced meals. if you have any suggestions Id love to hear them.

Category: Tags: asked September 25, 2013

6 Answers

what do you want to do? what do you want to do in live? you should at least go someplace and discover stuff, think about what you want to do, what you like to do, something that was always there. think about it. thats a dream you want to make it real, imagine how happy you'll be when you make it happen, there you get the motivation. go and start working on that dream and make it happen. its all you need to find your place, find yourself and make people around notice you. you wont realize how fast it may happen as long as you stay in your way to that one dream. and you'll forget about the past because that will be the future you're building. dont be scared, dont be shy, dont hide, dont hesitate. say what you want to say, do what you want to do so that you wont have any regrets after. this is your life do whatever you want with it, make it shine
It could be that you have a chemical imbalance going on and may need to see a doctor (mental or physical, both would help) about this. It's pretty common in young adults/teenagers/preteens to be off balance with their chemical make up. There is medication to help with that.If you'd rather not go in that direction I'd suggest surrounding yourself with people who will motivate you to do things you are finding yourself lacking in. That may mean stepping outside of your normal friend group and finding someone who will challenge things you do.Food is a very important thing in the balance of our bodies. It could be that you are not getting enough vitamins. Try taking vitamin supplements. Read up on what vitamins do what and see if you are lacking any of these things.I'm not really completely qualified to make these kind of decisions so I am merely suggesting you look into these things. It'd be a good place to start at least. And if you need someone to talk about feel free to chat with me!
You should go talk to a doctor and possibly be referred to a councilor because these obviously aren't normal things. How well do you sleep? Because this can contribute highly to the amount of energy you have to put towards things. You can also try to push yourself to do things little pieces at a time and start developing better habits.
Can I make a suggestion? Please don't attack this, I only want to bring it up in case you've never thought about it before. Because it helped me.The past couple years I was in and out of depression. Freshman year was really bad, but I got through it. It got bad again after high school graduation. Really bad. Those months were really tough. I felt like my life had no direction. It was summer, but I wasn't seeing any of my friends and my mom was always arguing with me and I just wanted to get away. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I felt like if I could just be given the opportunity, I would have so much to offer. But I was stuck in a place where every day was the same. I doubted myself so much. What talents did I have? Why did my friends even bother hanging out with me? I was pathetic.Then my mom decided that she and I should go to family camp for a week. Oh great, I thought. It was a Christian family camp. Sure I believed in God, but in no way would you have ever guessed that I did by my actions.I know what you're thinking, another preachy Christian here. But... hear me out. Because... I changed. I met a friend there that was so deeply rooted in the spirit that I had the urge to be just like that. It was amazing, because he was so happy. So I asked God to come into my life. I had screwed it up so bad, that it couldn't get any worse. So I might as well give it a try, right? I was... amazed. After all that time trying to change, and now finally I saw a difference. Things started going right for me. People gravitated towards me, because they saw a light in me they couldn't explain. I feel like my life has a purpose, and I know that I am loved.So that's my story. Maybe it's not for everyone, but it helped me. It changed me. I'm so hopeful now, you have no idea. I can't believe how wonderful I feel now. When I look back at the person I was, so lost in my life and unable to see the good in myself, it makes me extremely sad. If I hadn't found that friend, I don't know where I'd be now... it makes me shiver at the thought of how gloomy and dark my life would be now. But it's not anymore. (:If you wanna talk, we definitely could chat. I wish you the best, and please know that you're not alone. Things don't have to be bad for you. It can get better, just don't lose hope. ~
I defiantly will be trying to make new friends and I think I should get in the habit of taking vitamins. I dont get much sleep and that'll be a hard thing to get out of. Ive never been very religious but Ill always keep my mind open to try new things. thank you all for the help, Ill try to keep things posted on how Im doing.
I took the test and got a 53. which is borderline severe depression.