Whats wrong with me


i don’t know what happen. i was a good athlete with decent grades and good life. but i started to have memories and dreams. my grades droped and my proformnce in my sports has also. i have been haveing disstubering dreams about dieng in bad ways for 2 years striaght and this easter i decied just to cut then i got addictied i even licked the blade i have memories by the time i hit 5thgrade i had been to 18 funerals. and i was bullied so bad that they where like vacations. also now i only enjoy one thing witch is the show My Little Pony. its the only thing that cheers me up. i have been thinking of killing my self sometimes but im too afraid of what happens after you die to do it. im afraid of about everything right now. i have been crying alot. as a male football player and a wrestler i feel hopeless and worthless can someone help me plz give me some a light to look forward to. also no i dont have any “freinds” to talk to about it or els ill get bullied like i did and my familly is too busy to even talk to me. can some one help me

Tags: asked May 1, 2013

1 Answer

You can talk to your school counselor. If not, then a professional counselor outside of school. As a Christian though, I would suggest that you learn about what God has done for you. I was hopeless and saw no meaning in life when I was in high school, and that resulted in me getting bad grades, which in turn made me more depressed. One of my friends brought me to a church and I learned that God died so that I could have meaning, hope, and life in the fullest--that my shame, confusion, and brokenness had been taken away by God so that I could live a life of joy and freedom. I know this sounds very bizarre to you, since you probably aren't familiar with Christianity, but I would encourage you to find someone who is a Christian and ask if you could join him/her to church to see to learn about who God really is. You are not alone. You can message me if you have any questions. You can make it through this.