what to do with my life


I hit rock bottom 3.5 years ago and decided I was going to become a doctor. Since I made that decision I have had just one problem after another, and I am not even close at this point to having so much as an associates degree. The last six months I’ve fallen into a terrible depression and now I’m just confused. I’ve considered quitting pre med and trying to just get through an RN as soon as I can so at least I’ll have a job. I have no idea though. Everything seems pointless (even when I’m not depressed). I’m not going to get what I want from any of the options I have. And I’m getting old. People’s suggestions are illogical, placative or things I’ve heard a thousand times already. I’m just lost.

Category: asked April 22, 2013

1 Answer

Have you gotten your CNA? It's a relatively small program. It will get your foot in the door of the nursing field. It's a great stepping stone to a better and brighter future. Also, it would help you if you would see a physician and talk about getting your depression treated. Maybe an adviser can help you get on track and stay on track.